
When in Rome, Leave Your American Eye Glasses at Home

August 2018 |
Rome, in English. In Italian, Roma. No four letters in either language more dramatically stir the emotions of the western mind. Not one city but three at least: ancient Rome of the Colosseum, the Forum, the Pantheon, Renaissance Rome of the popes,...

Ivrea Added to UNESCO World Heritage Site List

August 2018 |
The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural) World Heritage Site list has recently increased, adding 19 new places around the world to its list of sites deemed to have special cultural or physical significance to the world. The...

Unveiling the Jewels of Casa Rocca Piccola

July 2018 |
The Maltese Islands, an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast, are comprised of three islands; Malta, Gozo and Comino. Malta’s capital city, Valletta, boasts a unique attraction: Casa Rocca Piccola. The...

San Francesco Del Deserto: How to Escape the Crowds in Venice

July 2018 |
L’isola di San Francesco è il luogo ideale per chi voglia allontanarsi dalle folle, che, soprattutto in estate, invadono le isole della laguna veneta. Poco distante da Burano immersa nelle barene e nella pace della laguna, l’isola di San Francesco...

The Singing Washerwomen of Tuscia

July 2018 |
Gathering together at the village wash area to scrub the family laundry was often a social highlight of the day for women of the small villages in Italy. Chattering animated the scrubbing, but so did song. In 2013, Simonetta Chiaretti, born in...

Spello's Infiorate: A Floral Night

June 2018 |
Spello, an ancient commune in Umbria, is in full blossom every year on Sunday morning of Corpus Domini, 60 days after Easter. On this day, the Host is carried in solemn procession over stunning floral tapestries carpeting Spello’s medieval...

In Valletta, Malta: Where European Baroque Meets Northern Africa

June 2018 |
My first impression as the airplane door opened wide and revealed the ancient city of Valletta was that I had reached Northern Africa. The heat was intense and gave the illusion that a city existed and did not exist at the same time. I was also in...

From the Italian American Press - Dream of Venice Series

June 2018 |
Venice, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, is losing its cultural identity. Over the years, it’s been taken over by tourists – most staying just one day – to the extent that UNESCO has warned the city it might be listed as a world...

Spring in Assisi, Umbria

May 2018 |
It is considered one of the most spiritual destinations of Italy. If you wish to embark on a journey of the soul and to immerse yourself in the lives of San Francesco and Santa Chiara, then you must visit the idyllic jewel town of Assisi in the...
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