A Wish Fulfilled - A Dream Comes True
September 2018 | La Gazzetta Italiana
It’s not unusual for Italian-born Americans or Italians of American descent to reconnect to their roots by visiting their home towns or that of their ancestors. Peter D’Attoma, president of DaVinci Custom Travel and Tours, fulfills those dreams for...
Portovenere and the Gulf of Poets
September 2018 | Francesca Mignosa
È tra i più spettacolari anfiteatri d’acqua della nostra penisola. Il borgo di Portovenere e quello di Lerici ne sono rispettivamente l’estremità occidentale e orientale, La Spezia ne occupa invece la parte centrale. Conosciuto come il golfo dei...
Saintly Gelati of Bolsena
September 2018 | Anne Robichaud
Patron saint and early Christian martyr, Santa Cristina, reigns in Bolsena (Lazio) – in unexpected ways. Wandering through the Basilica di Santa Cristina, one finds the early Christian catacombs, remains of a Longobard cemetery, medieval...
Padua Safeguards Amazing Giotto Treasures
August 2018 | Lee Laurino
Una visita a Padova rappresenta un viaggio tra passato e presente, tra storia millenaria, tradizioni e arte. Una città ricca di bellezze, è nota per gli affreschi di Giotto della Cappella degli Scrovegni, per la grande Basilica di...
Colors and Sounds of Two Magical Worlds
August 2018 | Rosa Di Grottole
Many years ago, people left Italy behind and arrived in America in search of fortune. For many it was a departure that did not have a precise return date while for some it was only an adventure and quest to search for opportunity. Familiar colors...
The Island of Ventotene: An Essential Checklist
August 2018 | Anne Robichaud
La meravigliosa isola di Ventotene, situata al largo della costa tra Lazio e Campania, è una lingua allungata di soli due chilometri di terra vulcanica, attraversata da una storia di 2.000 anni. Con le sue acque cristalline ed i ricchi fondali...
When in Rome, Leave Your American Eye Glasses at Home
August 2018 | John Capista
Rome, in English. In Italian, Roma. No four letters in either language more dramatically stir the emotions of the western mind. Not one city but three at least: ancient Rome of the Colosseum, the Forum, the Pantheon, Renaissance Rome of the popes,...
Ivrea Added to UNESCO World Heritage Site List
August 2018 | La Gazzetta Italiana
The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural) World Heritage Site list has recently increased, adding 19 new places around the world to its list of sites deemed to have special cultural or physical significance to the world. The...
Unveiling the Jewels of Casa Rocca Piccola
July 2018 | Francesca Mignosa
The Maltese Islands, an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast, are comprised of three islands; Malta, Gozo and Comino. Malta’s capital city, Valletta, boasts a unique attraction: Casa Rocca Piccola. The...