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A Look Back: Paying Homage to the Bones of St. Valentine
Winter has arrived and it has been a few cold weeks. What better way to warm up then to celebrate Valentine’s Day with that special someone. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for February 14. Please enjoy this article from…

LGI's calendar: things to do
To include your event, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Regular meetings of Solon Italian ClubLast Wednesday of each month7 p.m., Grantwood PavillionNew members welcome. Contact President, Brett Neff at 216-313-0197 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or contact Anthony D'Angelo, Membership Chair at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you…

NIAF NCCA Christopher Columbus Essay Contest
The National Italian American Foundation is now accepting submissions for the annual NIAF NCCA Christopher Columbus Essay Contest, a national essay contest on a topic related to Christopher Columbus for high school students of all ethnic backgrounds throughout the U.S.Three…

A Year of Grace and Renewal: The 2025 Catholic Jubilee
Questo è l'anno del Giubileo che è iniziato il 24 dicembre 2025 e si concluderà il 6 gennaio 2026. È iniziato ufficialmente con l'apertura delle porte di bronzo del Vaticano da parte di Papa Francesco. Il Giubileo viene definito Santo…

Author Janice Carapellucci Pays Tribute to Her Artist Ancestor
“The Art of Immigration: Italian Art in an American Church” tells the story of the Church of the Most Precious Blood, the church at the heart of Manhattan’s downtown Little Italy. The story is told from multiple angles. First, and…

Carnivale in Italy: A Vibrant Celebration of Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras, or Carnevale as it is known in Italy, is one of the country’s most colorful and spirited traditions. Rooted in centuries of history, this festive season culminates in a lively explosion of parades, masks, music, and revelry, bringing…

NIAF Congratulates Mike Johnson on Re-Election as Speaker of the House
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) extends its warmest congratulations to Congressman Mike Johnson on his re-election as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Speaker Johnson, who first assumed this role in October 2023, was re-elected on January…

Letters from Veneto: Autumn Letter from the Veneto
I brought a Canadian friend with me to show her my little piece of heaven on earth in Italy. I had discovered that there was a new direct flight from my hometown, Newcastle, to Tyne and to Verona. After leaving…