
Anthony "Tony" DiMare

October 2018 |
On September 3, 2018, the Italian American community lost one of its proudest, kindest and most intellectual members, Anthony “Tony” DiMare. Tony is survived by the love of his life, Ruth Razem DiMare, his beloved son John, grandchildren Hannah,...

Albert Guarnieri Sr.: Late 1800's Italian American Success Story

October 2018 |
Il Festival italiano a Warren ha reso omaggio all’italoamericano Albert Guarnieri Sr. Emigrato da Neirone in  provincia di Genova all’età di 20 anni, ha avviato un’attività di vendita di frutta e verdura che nel corso degli anni si è...

Remembering Sergio Marchionne, the CEO Who Saved FIAT and Chrysler

September 2018 |
A conversation with Mauro Pino, 2010-11 Toledo plant manager, 2013-’14 VP of NAFTA Manufacturting and VP of LATAM Manufacturing until December 2017, on the shocking death of the charismatic executive. In the days following the sudden death of...

Vincenzo Antonio Manno 1949-2018

August 2018 |
Si è recentemente spento il tenore americano di origine italiana Vincenzo Antonio Manno. Dopo aver completato gli studi musicali all’Oberlin College ed al Cleveland Institute of Music, grazie a una borsa di studio Fulbright Manno si è specializzato...

O Sole Mio

July 2018 |
For the astronomer Niccolò Copernico, the sun is like a king sitting on a regal throne governing the family of the celestial stars that surround it. San Francis of Assisi, in his poem “Canticle of the Sun,” honors it as one of the most amazing...

Catanese Classic Seafood

June 2018 |
Catanese Classic Seafood è un distributore all’ingrosso di pesce fresco e surgelato, che opera rifornendo ai migliori ristoranti, country club, hotel e rivenditori in tutto lo stato dell’Ohio. I fratelli Catanese, Jim e John, hanno oltre 35 anni di...

Leonardo da Vinci's Impact 500 Years Later

May 2018 |
This year on May 2 marks the 499th year after the death of Leonardo da Vinci. A famous painter, writer, inventor, architect, and more, da Vinci is known to be one of the most influential figures of the Italian Renaissance. Even today, his artwork...

Natalie Herbick

April 2018 |
In a fun and intriguing segment on Cleveland’s FOX 8 News, the news anchors each took a DNA ancestry test with Their results were revealed live during the broadcast, much to the delight of both the anchors and the viewers. Natalie...

Actor, Director Danny DeVito Receives Recognition at L.A. Italia Fest

April 2018 |
Italian American actor, director, and producer Danny DeVito received the 2018 Jack Valenti Legend Award during the Los Angeles Italia Fest. The festival took place in early March, and numerous individuals of Italian descent were honored throughout...
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