
November Birthdays

November 2019 |
November is all about giving thanks. We give special thanks to the contributions these Italians and Italian Americans made to our history and culture as we celebrate their birthdays this month. Retired bodybuilder, actor and fitness trainer Lou...

Author Marco Rizzo on Immigration, Graphic Comics and Much More

November 2019 |
Marco Rizzo is an award-winning Sicilian journalist, cartoonist and writer who has published essays and several graphic comics. He is considered by some the most prolific and acclaimed Italian comic book writer in the field of graphic journalism....

La Guardia at Ellis Island: The Door Held Open

November 2019 |
Affettuosamente soprannominato “The Little Flower”, sia per via della traduzione letterale del suo nome che per la sua bassa statura, Fiorello Enrico La Guardia è stato un gigante della politica statunitense. Figlio di un immigrato foggiano e di...

Vendemmia on Mount Etna: Tenute Mannino Di Plachi

October 2019 |
Tenute Mannino Di Plachi is located in Viagrande, a town surrounded by beautiful, green hills rich in lush vineyards in the Catania province of Sicily. The farm dates back to the 1800s with a long history of winemaking. Today, the modern facility...

Celebrating Giacomo Leopardi

October 2019 |
L’Infinito di Giacomo Leopardi ha compiuto 200 anni: per celebrare adeguatamente uno dei testi poetici più famosi ed amati della lingua italiana, tra le tante iniziative organizzate lo scorso maggio si è svolto a Recanati  - cittadina natale...

About the Author: Giuseppe di Lampedusa

October 2019 |
In 1861, Count Klemens von Metternich said that Italy was nothing more than a geographic expression. Indeed, when he said this it was just a year after the Handshake of Teano. One short year could hardly wipe out millennia of campanillisimo, a...

October Birthdays

October 2019 |
The leaves are falling and the wine is harvested! It’s a perfect time to toast some of our favorite Italians’ birthdays. On October 12, we remember Luciano Pavarotti who quickly became one of the most commercially successful tenors of all time. His...

Living Santa Cristina’s Misteri: A Heavenly Bolsena Day

September 2019 |
Bolsena, Italy is a town in northern Lazio on the eastern shore of Lake Bolsena. The comune is known for a miracle said to have occurred in the Basilica of Santa Cristina in 1263 when a Bohemian priest reported bleeding from the Host he had...

Anthropologist Katia Ballacchino on the New Italians and Ancient Traditions Coexisting

September 2019 |
La Gazzetta Italiana ha intervistato l’antropologa Katia Ballacchino, che da alcuni anni studia il folklore celebrato dalle comunità locali dell'Italia centro-meridionale.L'antropologia è lo studio scientifico dell'uomo e del comportamento...
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