Ben Lariccia

Ben Lariccia, contributing writer, Youngstown, Ohio

Newspaper Clip Brings to Life 1912 World of Youngstown Immigrants

September 2017
Il recente ritrovamento di un articolo del giornale Mahoning Dispatcher  risalente all´11 ottobre 1912, rivela la realtà della vasta comunità italo-americana della zona di Youngstown. L´ignoto autore dell´articolo difende vigorosamente i...

Morra!!! Alive and Well in The Mahoning Valley

August 2017
Cinqueeeeeeee! Setteeeeeeee! Quattroooooo! Ottoooooooooo! Two opponents face off, backs bent and adrenaline on overtime. Fingers and arms are flashing. A huddle of onlookers develops. Where are we? It’s any place where Morra, the...

Leonardo Di Caprio to Star in Film on the Black Hand

July 2017
Nel gennaio scorso la rivista Variety ha annunciato l’uscita nel 2018 di “The Black Hand”, con Leonardo Di Caprio. Il film renderà omaggio al tenente Joe Petrosino del Dipartimento di Polizia di New York che, un secolo fa,...

Angiuli's Farm Markets: Farm to Table Straordinario!

June 2017
The Angiuli story begins in 1981, at the Pyatt Street Market in Youngstown. From there, Rita Angiuli opened a fruit and vegetable stand outdoors, under a shady oak tree. This is how Carl Angiuli lovingly describes to La Gazzetta how his parents...

The U.S. Italian Community and the Immigration Act of 1924

March 2017
In 1924, Congressman Albert Johnson and Senator David Reed introduced and helped pass an act of Congress that drastically reduced immigration from Southern, Central and Eastern Europe. As one of the targets of the legislation, immigrants from Italy...

Researching Family History? Avoid Myths About Italian Immigration

March 2017
Tra la fine del 1800 ed il primo ventennio del ‘900, per milioni di Italiani prevalentemente contadini origanari del Meridione della penisola, la parola America diventò quasi  magica: la terra delle promesse, il sogno...

"The Leopard", A Classic Work of Italian Historical Fiction

February 2017
Are you looking to get through the doldrums of winter by reading a masterwork of Italian literature? Love Italian history? Then I suggest you allocate a comfortable corner in your coziest room for “The Leopard” (Il Gattopardo) by...

Louis Adovasio: He Tamed the Mahoning River!

November 2016
Debiti e decessi per infortuni sul lavoro afflissero spesso la vita dei primi immigrati che trovarono un impiego nei cantieri nella valle della contea di Mahoning. Uno di loro, Louis Adovasio, riuscì, invece, a superare i vincoli e le...

Century-old Penn Mac Anchors Pittsburgh’s Strip District

September 2016
In operation since 1902, the Pennsylvania Macaroni Company is one of Pittsburgh’s oldest retail establishments and one of the area’s best-known Italian specialty stores. A popular shopping destination for locals and out of town...

Local Students Participate in Culture Display

September 2016
Each year a unique attraction at the Warren Italian American Festival is the Culture display in a tent in front of the Courthouse. Inside the tent, the Italian flag is displayed in the center and the flags from the 20 regions are around the...

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