Local News

Sunseri Brothers, Two Staples in the Strip District

July 2011 |
Now that the nice weather has finally arrived, I have noticed a marked increase in the auto and foot traffic in our beloved Strip District. Over the winter months I normally found a prime parking spot on either Smallman St. or Penn Ave. and was...

Italian Consulate in Detroit and the Italian Cultural Garden Foundation commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy

June 2011 |
June 2, 2011 marks the 65th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy. On that day, millions of Italians, in the motherland and abroad, will pause to solemnly commemorate a day which, perhaps distant in time, is still fervently held in the hearts and...

Happy Birthday LaGazzetta

May 2011 |
This month, La Gazzetta Italiana begins its 20th year of publication. In the beginning our monthly newspaper opened with a 20 pager and as advertisers came on board, our size increased. Presently we publish a 44 pager and on occasion a 48...
Local News > Cleveland

Italy and the Midwest - Business Connections

May 2011 |
Great success for the April 7th event focused on business opportunities between Italy and Ohio On April 7th, a day-long event dedicated to the topic, "Italy and the Midwest: Business Connections", was held in Cleveland at the Union Club and...
Local News > Cleveland

Off to the Murray Hill Market We Will Go!

April 2011 |
Little Italy ed University Circle possono ora vantarsi di un nuovo market store dove e' possible trovare prodotti importati e genuini, per le necessita' di tutti i giorni e per festivita' ed eventi speciali! In tempi di mega-magazzini e super...

35th Cleveland International Film Festival opens March 24 at Tower City Cinemas

March 2011 |
Two Italian movies included in this year program For the past 35 years, the CIFF has been the premier film event in Ohio. Today, the CIFF presents a full survey of contemporary international and American Independent filmmaking, with more than...
Local News > Cleveland

Roll out the bocce & feast good times

January 2011 |
Bocce e divertimento all'Hillcrest Bocce Club durante lo socrso Black Friday, dove Torrey ed Anthony Romano hanno unito forza con Anthony Frabotta e Larry Salvatore aggiudicandosi il primo premio pari a $1,550. Chi poteva pensare che giocare a...

History Cleveland's Columbus Day Parade

October 2010 |
La storia ci racconta che nel 1492 un uomo dal nome di Cristoforo Colombo solco' i mari e gli oceani per poi raggiungere le coste del nuovo continente, l'America. Oggi si celebra quel giorno in commemorazione dell'evento. E' sempre stato cosi'? Da...
Local News > Pittsburgh

Bloomfield, Pittsburgh's Little Italy

August 2010 |
Sin dal 1700, l'odierna Bloomfield, situata in Pittsburgh, ha visto nella sua storia numerose e diverse culture a popolare quest'area. Oggi, con lo stesso spirito cosmopolitano, Bloomfield ospita una vibrante ed attiva Piccota Italia che da vita...
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