Local News

Warren, Ohio Man's Harrowing Teenage Years in WWII Italy

June 2014 |
If the old saying, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger," carries any weight, then John Caniglia, 88, of Warren must be one of this proverb's best exemplars. Born in Ravenna, the retired carpenter and pipe roller is the only child in his...

Weddings at Gervasi Vineyard

May 2014 |
Gervasi Vineyard provides a gracious and romantic setting for intimate indoor or outdoor weddings, for a destination wedding that is close to home! At Gervasi Vineyard, you will experience the stylish and graceful wedding of your dreams. There are...

From Shepherds to Ohio Steelworkers

April 2014 |
A bronze plaque at the foot of the Statue of Liberty features Emma Lazarus' 1883 poem, "New Colossus," with its often quoted, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."...
Local News > Youngstown

St. Rocco's, Youngstown

January 2014 |
Youngstown, Ohio, never developed a centralized little Italy. Instead, the city's mostly southern Italian settlers chose to live near the foundries, rail yards, and steel mills where Germans, Spaniards, Welsh, Slavs, Irish, African American, and...

Sweet Moses-Cleveland's Nostalgic Trip to the Soda Fountain & Treat Shop

November 2013 |
Sweet Moses, nel cuore del quartiere di Gordon Square, è la destinazione ideale per gli amanti del gelato, gli appassionati dei dolci ed i nostalgici dei primi del '900. Dal distributore automatico di bibite agli sgabelli del bar; dalle...

Cleveland's other half

July 2013 |
Believe it or not, the city of Cleveland has a sister city. And not just any city in the world--an Italian city! Vicenza is located in the northeast region of Veneto and tends to be overshadowed by its better known neighbors Padova and Venezia to...

Italian author to present book at CSU

January 2013 |
The Consulate of Italy in Detroit and & CSU Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs are pleased to host author Alessandro Coppola, for a presentation and insightful conversation on his Apocalypse Town: Cronache dalla fine della civiltà...
Local News > Youngstown

Buon Natale from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

December 2012 |
A blessed, holy and Merry Christmas 2012! Buon Natale! Recently a friend from many Christmases past asked me to describe what Christmas is like, from a pastor's point of view, at the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Youngtown. This friend who is...

The Legacy of Viva La Panza

October 2012 |
The Legacy of Viva La Panza lives on to benefit Students As Akron-area Italians celebrate the 74th edition of Viva La Panza, it's incredible to know just how the event has evolved from its simple beginning in the back of a grocery store on Baird...
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