La Gazzetta Italiana

Premier designate Paolo Gentiloni was asked to form a new government

January 2017
The December 4 vote in Italy resulted in a new prime minister and cabinet team. Italy’s youngest premier ever, Matteo Renzi, resigned because his plan for an overhaul of the legislature was solidly rejected by nearly 60% of the voting...

Italians earn much less than their peers in other western countries

January 2017
Italians starting professional careers earn much less than their peers in other western countries. Per a U.K. 2016 Global 5-Remuneration Planning Report, Italy came in last among the 15 western European nations ranked. Switzerland ranked first...

Five Star Movement has called for a referendum on ditching the euro

January 2017
Alessandro DiBattista of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement has called for a referendum on ditching the euro which could be a key issue in the next election. DiBattista said he is not opposed to an exit from the European Union but did...

Two cans filled with 20,000 euros to bribe a bid lock for a landfill

January 2017
Two biscuit cans filled with 20,000 euros were presented as a “gift” to Mayor Franco Metta of Puglia. The Mayor claimed that a waste management executive walked into his town office with the cans to bribe a bid lock for a landfill. The...

Vandals destroyed 400,000 bottles of sparkling wines

January 2017
South of Pavia in the Lombardy hills, vandals destroyed 400,000 bottles of sparkling wines on the grounds of the Conte Vistarino Winery. The vandals drained the refrigerated steel tanks where Riesling, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, and other varieties...

Restrictions on motor vehicles to cut down on air pollution

January 2017
Milan, Rome and Naples are cities that have introduced restrictions on cars and other motor vehicles to cut down on high levels of air pollution. Polluting petrol cars and some diesel cars have been banned from streets because of the smog on...

Holiday Italian Traditions, Casa DiBartolomeo Style

December 2016
Le famiglie italo-americane sono legatissime alle tradizioni portate dalla madrepatria e più di ogni altre a quelle del periodo natalizio. La Vigilia di Natale per i DiBartolomeo è sempre stata un’occasione particolarmente...

The Christmas Market of Rome's Piazza Navona

December 2016
Come ogni anno, con il Natale alle porte la capitale si veste di addobbi natalizi e colora di artisti di strada, saltimbanchi, giocolieri, artigiani e commercianti radunati nella suggestiva cornice di piazza Navona, uno dei luoghi più noti...

The Bridge That Didn't come Tumbling Down

December 2016
Il pittoresco Ponte Vecchio è il più famoso dei sei ponti di Firenze ed una delle immagini più riconoscibili al mondo. La struttura a tre valichi che si vede oggi, fu opera di Taddeo Gaddi nel 1345, dopo che una violenta...

A "Special" Tony Bennett

December 2016
The Energizer bunny has nothing on Anthony Dominick Benedetto who, at age 90, keeps on going. NBC will showcase a two-hour tribute, “The Best Is Yet to Come”  on December 20 to celebrate Astoria, NY singer, Tony Bennett. Lady Gaga,...