Janice Therese Mancuso

Janice Therese Mancuso is the owner and director of the Italian American Press; founder of the Italian American Heritage Project; founder of Thirty-One Days of Italians, celebrating Italian American Heritage Month; publisher of the e-mail newsletter Tutto Italiano; and author of culinary romance novel Con Amore. For more information, email jtmancuso@earthlink.net.

Popular Italian Novels for English Readers

June 2020
In 2017, Kazabo Publishing was established, translating best-selling books from other countries into English. Although its mission “is to find best-selling books from around the world,” currently, most of the books it has published are from Italian...

A Reset for a City, a Country and the World

May 2020
In mid-February in a virtual meeting with Iris Loredana, co-owner with her grandmother of La Venessiana, an online lifestyle journal, I asked a series of questions about the flooding in November and how the residents of Venice were coping with the...

Italian Women of the Arts

April 2020
In the late 16th century, Europe was transitioning through the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolution, but even with the invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century, technology was a slow process. The arts, however, were still...

From the Italian American Press: "Coal War in the Mahoning Valley"

March 2020
According to early records, Italian migration to Ohio dates back to the mid-1800s with a small number of families that lived mostly in or near Cleveland. By the turn of the century, the number of Italians had significantly increased to over 10,000...

"Not for Self: A Sicilian Life and Death in Marion"

February 2020
From the Italian American Press:  The early 1900s brought a mass migration of Italians to America. In the Sicilian mountainside village of Burgio, founded by Arabs during the Middle Ages, a family struggles to survive: “Peasant farmers...

Italian Women of STEM

January 2020
The acronym STEM was established by the National Science Foundation in 2001 – rearranged from SMET – to represent Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. A STEM education focuses on integrating these subjects into a wider curriculum to better...

Connecting Continents or Destroying Populations?

November 2019
Before news of Christopher Columbus’ western voyage with his discovery of a new land was distributed throughout Europe, others had made the trip. Most well-known is Leif Erickson, who landed somewhere on the north coast of America around 1000 AD....

From the Italian American Press: “The Ghosts of the Garfagnana: Seven Strange Stories from Haunted Tuscany”

October 2019
The northwestern tip of Tuscany stretches into the Apuan Alps, a mountain range of steep jagged peaks and hazy valleys woven with underground tunnels and caves. Within these mountains, the Garfagnana is known as a region shrouded with mysterious...

From the Italian American Press: The Seven Golden Apples

September 2019
The Kingdom of Pumaria with its rich, fertile land is located between a treacherous mountain range and the large Mediterranean Sea. It’s an ideal location for the apple trees that grow there, some reaching 30 feet high, and all bearing bright...

Casa Malaparte on the Coast of Capri

August 2019
If you travel on the slow ferry from Naples to Capri, it may take up to 90 minutes to cross the Gulf of Naples and reach the island that is divided into two towns. To the west, Anacapri spreads across a plateau covering about two-thirds of the...

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