
Italians Become Creative During the Shut Down

June 2020 |
Italians have stoically followed the directives of their regional governments to stay at home since early March.  Businesses depending on tourism were critically hurt when the world stopped traveling. However, Italians have become very...

From Cashmere to Protective Masks

June 2020 |
Christmas gifts for our family members have often been wool or cashmere sweaters purchased at the outlet store at Novella Confezioni in the valley below Assisi. At Novella Confezioni, Monia Mancinelli, daughter of Novella, the founder of Novella...

Popular Italian Novels for English Readers

June 2020 |
In 2017, Kazabo Publishing was established, translating best-selling books from other countries into English. Although its mission “is to find best-selling books from around the world,” currently, most of the books it has published are from Italian...

Luigi Del Bianco: An Italian Immigrant Carves His Way to Success

June 2020 |
Quest’articolo è un riassunto di un libro biografico su Luigi Del Bianco. L’autore del libro Lou Del Bianco è il nipote. Lou ha deciso di investigare sulla vita del nonno perché era uno degli scultori più conosciuti e punto di riferimento del...

Coach Geno Auriemma: From Montella to UConn

June 2020 |
Quest’articolo tratta dell'allenatore Geno Auriemma nato a Montella, un paese piccolo nella regione Campania. Lui è emigrato dall’italia negli stati uniti quando era ragazzino. Lui e sua famiglia non sapevano né la lingua inglese né la cultura...

A Look Back: Let Them Eat Cake

May 2020 |
While this spring's wedding season certainly looks different to couples all across the world, we look back to this article written by Gina Gannon in May 2014. For all of our La Gazzetta Italiana readers who are looking forward to reciting their...

Help Dante Help Italy

May 2020 |
Dante Alighieri began writing his “Divine Comedy,” which traces a pilgrim’s progress to our true home in heaven, in the year 1308 and completed the work in the year 1320, publishing it in 1321, the same year he died. The “Comedy” begins in a Dark...

A Reset for a City, a Country and the World

May 2020 |
In mid-February in a virtual meeting with Iris Loredana, co-owner with her grandmother of La Venessiana, an online lifestyle journal, I asked a series of questions about the flooding in November and how the residents of Venice were coping with the...

The Early Italians and Irish in New York City

May 2020 |
Quest’articolo parla della difficoltà che avevano gli immigrati irlandesi quando vennero negli stati uniti dopo la fame del 1840. Gli irlandesi riscontrarono discriminazione, mancanza di lavoro e di un tetto, e molta sfortuna. Quando arrivarono gli...
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