History & culture

The Italian Language and its Origins

November 2012 |
The Italian language derives mainly from "vulgar" Latin, which was the spoken language among commoners and less educated citizens of ancient Rome. The other form, classical Latin, was used in a literary and ecclesiastical scope. Many words...

Ten Thousand to One

October 2012 |
As we look over the last 500 years of history there have been thousands of examples of original thought and accomplishment in all areas of human endeavor originating from the Italian peninsula: the arts, sciences, medicine, music, and business....

American Modern Art in Tuscany

July 2012 |
Tuttomondo by Keith Haring While in Pisa, you cannot pass up seeing the beautiful mural by Keith Haring. A work of modern art not only original but also surprising because it is little known to the public and exists in the shadows of other Pisa...

Christmas Celebrations & Traditions in Italy

December 2011 |
Quando si parla di tradizioni Natalizie, celebrazioni, e sopratutto, la famiglia, non esiste un'altro paese come l'Italia. E'il paese ideale per celebrare il Natale per via dei suoi colori, le sue tradizioni ed il modo di celebrare molto...

Saint Nicholas: The Real Santa Claus

December 2011 |
During the first half of the IV century A.D., in the rich city of Mira in Asia Minor, there lived a very special priest whom because of the lack of interesting historical news, he and the locals would pass on to the people many legends. His name...

Making the Connection with Your Italian Heritage

October 2011 |
Sei di discendenza Italiana e sei cresciuto orgoglioso di essere Italiano? Tanti di noi abbiamo vissuto la nostra vita uniti con i nostri famigliari e abbiamo seguito le nostre tradizioni con i nostri nonni, genitori, fratelli,...

Italy and Italian Culture - For Children

May 2011 |
Il modo migliore di imparare e' tramite l'intattenimento. Nessun modo migliore per assimilare informazioni che farlo come svago. Se poi lo si fa' per mantenere vivi i legami con le proprie origini il beneficio e' molteplice. Janice Therese Mancuso...

Easter, Past and Present

April 2011 |
From my childhood, I remember Easter. I remember the anticipation of getting up and searching for the dyed eggs scattered about the house. Our Easter baskets were filled with candy treats and topped off with a large chocolate egg or bunny. I...

Glass Art of Italy: Mosaic

January 2011 |
L'uomo ha da sempre cercato e scoperto modi per esprimere arte e creativita'. Uno dei modi piu' antichi e conosciuti e' il mosaico. La parola "mosaico" e' ben nota a tutti, ma non tutti pero' conoscono la sua storia. E' stato un vero e proprio...
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