Discovering La Famiglia: Our Ancestors' Journey Through Ellis Island
August 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Over the last few months in this column, we have been exploring our Italian heritage from the perspective of our ancestors’ life experiences beginning in Italy and culminating with their arrival in America. In June we imagined what our ancestors’...
Discovering La Famiglia Finding Your Family in Fraternal Organizations
July 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Fraternal organizations are the backbone of cultural preservation. The importance of these organizations to our ancestors was immeasurable. Today, we can find very helpful information in our search for family history among the records of...
Discovering La Famiglia: Arriving in L'America
June 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Over the last few months, we have been exploring our Italian heritage from the perspective of our ancestors’ life experiences. Last month I shared some tips on how to find your ancestor’s passenger list. This month, we are going to look at what it...
Discovering La Famiglia: Finding Your Ancestor's Passenger List
May 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Over the last few months in this column, we have been exploring our Italian heritage from the perspective of our ancestors’ life experiences. Last month we looked at what it was like to travel in steerage across the Atlantic. If you read that...
Life Aboard a Steamship
April 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Per le prossime due settimane, vogliamo esplorare la nostra eredità italiana dalla prospettiva dei nostri antenati. Per questo mese, ci concentriamo sul viaggio sulle navi dall'Italia agli Stati Uniti che gli antenati dovettero fare molti anni fa....
Discovering La Famiglia: The Port of Naples
March 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Over the next few months in this column, we will be exploring our Italian heritage from the perspective of our ancestors’ life experiences. This month’s focus is on the process of obtaining an Italian passport and traveling to the port.
Before a...
Discovering La Famiglia: Our Ancestors' Lives in Italy: Arranging Passage
February 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Over the next few months, we are going to explore our Italian heritage from the perspective of our ancestors’ life experiences. This month our focus will be on how our ancestors arranged for passage to America.
Early on, many immigrants traveled...
Discovering La Famiglia: Our Ancestors' Lives in Italy - Part 1
January 2021 | Roslyn Torella
Over the next few months, we are going to explore our Italian heritage from the perspective of our ancestors’ life experiences. This month our focus will be on what our ancestors’ lives were like in Italy at the end of the 19th century and the...
The Italian American Dream
December 2020 | La Gazzetta Italiana
L’articolo parla di un intagliatore di pietra, Giuseppe Piccirilli. Lui venne dalla Toscana nel 1888 con la moglie ed i figli. Con i suoi figli, ebbero una carriera molto riuscita fra gli intagliatori Americani. Lavorarono a molti monumenti,...