Ben Lariccia

Ben Lariccia, contributing writer, Youngstown, Ohio

Letters from the Old Country by Ben Lariccia

May 2022
Many immigrants were in regular contact with their families back home. Those who were illiterate had people who wrote for them. Correspondence from Italy was often read aloud to the entire family. Letters could contain money or a reference...

Letters from the Old Country by Ben Lariccia

April 2022
Many immigrants were in regular contact with their families back home. Those who were illiterate had people who wrote for them. Correspondence from Italy was often read aloud to the entire family. Letters could contain money or a reference to a...

NIAF Creates Innovative Affiliate Organization Program

April 2022
NIAF è un'organizzazione nazionale per gli italo-americani. Per diventarne membro, c’è una tassa annuale di $1,500. Con l'appartenenza a questa organizzazione ci sono vari vantaggi. Per esempio, NIAF è affiliato con Perrillo Tours, un’agenzia che...

How Grandma’s Letters Became an Archive

April 2022
Dopo l’emigrazione degli italiani negli Stati Uniti, l'abilità di comunicare è diventata molto importante per gli emigrati, per avere corrispondenza con la loro famiglia italiana. L’autrice dell’articolo descrive come aveva aiutato sua nonna...

La Ruota: The Wheel

May 2021
It almost goes without saying that surviving to adulthood presented serious challenges in the days of our Italian ancestors. When I researched my family tree, I could not help but pause when the documents revealed that my paternal great-grandfather...

On the Cover: A Snowplow for Capracotta

February 2021
In the days of my grandparents, winter often meant that a second story window became their front door. They were born and raised in Capracotta, in the High Molise, where heavy snow can begin piling up in October and last until May. In 2015, the...

Pasta’s Early Footprint in the Mahoning Valley

November 2020
The evening of June 29, 1906, a fire broke out in the large factory at the corner of Watt and Boardman Streets in Youngstown. The flames soon lit up the sky, filling the eastside of downtown with smoke. An entire pasta factory was being consumed by...

It’s Complicated

August 2020
For me, with Columbus, it’s complicated. I have no problem with the removal of statues that memorialize treasonous Confederate generals or KKK leaders. Columbus shouldn’t be lumped in with those individuals. We’ve celebrated our rich heritage on...

Mary’s Christmas Cookie in Howland Opened a Door

December 2019
"You never know the places a cookie can lead" Mary D’Altorio Masciangelo si è spenta nel giugno del 2018. La sua famiglia era una ricca fonte di informazioni sulla comunità italiana nella zona di Warren Youngstown, che la ricorda con affetto anche...

La Guardia at Ellis Island: The Door Held Open

November 2019
Affettuosamente soprannominato “The Little Flower”, sia per via della traduzione letterale del suo nome che per la sua bassa statura, Fiorello Enrico La Guardia è stato un gigante della politica statunitense. Figlio di un immigrato foggiano e di...

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