Janice Therese Mancuso

Janice Therese Mancuso is the owner and director of the Italian American Press; founder of the Italian American Heritage Project; founder of Thirty-One Days of Italians, celebrating Italian American Heritage Month; publisher of the e-mail newsletter Tutto Italiano; and author of culinary romance novel Con Amore. For more information, email jtmancuso@earthlink.net.

The Logic of Italian Women

December 2020
What do Matilda of Canossa, Tullia d’Aragona and Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia have in common? Each left an indelible mark on the history of Italy. In 1076, Matilda, widowed at 30, inherited the Tuscan properties of her paternal grandfather, the...

Balancing Venice and Tourism

November 2020
It is estimated that before the pandemic, 22 million (and up to 30 million) tourists arrived in Venice each year. Most spent just a day, disembarking from the enormous cruise ships that glide through the waters of the islands. Averaging about...

Celebrate Your Italian Heritage with “Thirty-One Days of Italians”

October 2020
Pick a name, any name on the list of “Thirty-One Days of Italians”, and you will be amazed to learn how the accomplishments by people of Italian heritage have been integrated into the culture of everyday life in America. Filippo Mazzei was a...

The Columbus Letters

October 2020
Quando Cristoforo Colombo iniziò il suo primo viaggio verso ovest, iniziò a scrivere un giornale che includeva molte informazioni del viaggio. Quando tornò in Spagna, scrisse anche altre lettere. Purtroppo, le lettere furono tradotte e riscritte,...

The Columbus Letters

September 2020
“The Columbus Letters” were published in a four-part series in La Gazzetta Italiana in 2019 and can be found on www.lagazzettaitaliana.com. Search “Columbus Letters.” Sailing back to Spain after his first voyage for the monarchs, Columbus wrote...

History Reevaluated – It’s All Columbus’ Fault

September 2020
Quest’articolo tratta della disinformazione sulla storia di Cristoforo Colombo. Ci sono molte persone che dicono che Colombo è responsabile per il genocidio di tanti nativi che già abitavano nella terra nuovo. Ma, quest’articolo smentisce questa...

The Music of Italian Women

September 2020
Nella musica italiana, ci sono tanti compositori conosciuti in tutto il mondo. Ma, ci sono tre compositrici che non hanno il rispetto che meritano. Antonia Padoani, una compositrice italiana, che naque a Venezia. Giacché ebbe un matrimonio...

The Columbus Letters

August 2020
“The Columbus Letters” were published in a four-part series in La Gazzetta Italiana in 2019 and can be found on www.lagazzettaitaliana.com. Search “Columbus Letters.” On his return to Spain, sailing in January and February 528 years ago,...

Popular Italian Novels for English Readers

June 2020
In 2017, Kazabo Publishing was established, translating best-selling books from other countries into English. Although its mission “is to find best-selling books from around the world,” currently, most of the books it has published are from Italian...

A Reset for a City, a Country and the World

May 2020
In mid-February in a virtual meeting with Iris Loredana, co-owner with her grandmother of La Venessiana, an online lifestyle journal, I asked a series of questions about the flooding in November and how the residents of Venice were coping with the...

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