Janice Therese Mancuso
Janice Therese Mancuso is the owner and director of the Italian American Press; founder of the Italian American Heritage Project; founder of Thirty-One Days of Italians, celebrating Italian American Heritage Month; publisher of the e-mail newsletter Tutto Italiano; and author of culinary romance novel Con Amore. For more information, email jtmancuso@earthlink.net.
The Legacy of Two Remarkable Men
May 2022
In the early 1850s, a cottage in Staten Island, NY, became the home of an inventor and a revolutionist. Both born on Italian soil, one lived in the house, the other was a guest. Collectively, their accomplishments ranged from creator to warrior....
Finding Culture in Art
March 2022
In viewing exhibits at Italian American museums throughout the U.S., visitors can learn about the often-unacknowledged history of Italian immigrants as they struggled to become Italian Americans. From everyday objects to one-of-a-kind handcrafted...
Make it a Movie (Part II)
February 2022
Italian American history is fascinating, but little is taught about the path Italian immigrants traveled as they became Italian Americans. By the mid-18th century, Italian traditions were blending into the culture of America, slowly becoming...
Make It a Movie
January 2022
Molte persone preferiscono più i film e meno i libri. È per questa ragione l’autrice suggerisce quattro libri che sono stati girati per lo schermo che sono ottimi. Il primo film: “Coal War in the Mahoning Valley” descrive le vite degli italiani che...
The Friendship Train
November 2021
Several years after WWII, Western Europe was still recovering; and along with restoring economies, political dominance was also at stake. Towards the end of 1947, as the result of a nationwide humanitarian effort, a ship filled with cartons of food...
From the Italian American Press: "Italians Swindled to New York"
October 2021
Before the unification of Italy with Rome as its capitol in 1871, the immigrants who arrived in America were highly skilled in trades admired by the Americans. Italian culture had been embraced by Thomas Jefferson who visited Italy in 1787, long...
Celebrate Your Italian Heritage with "Thirty-One Days of Italians"
October 2021
Every year since 2007, “Thirty-One Days of Italians” has provided a list of accomplished Italian Americans and Italians to honor for each day in October, Italian American Heritage Month. On the website, thirtyonedaysofitalians.com, more than 70...
The President and First Gentleman
September 2021
Earlier this year, members of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 voted in their first woman president, Sabrina Savino. The Lodge – located in Suffolk County (on Long Island) in New York – received its...
The Waldensians of Italy
August 2021
Quest’articolo parla di un gruppo religioso che fu separato dalla chiesa Cattolica prima della Riforma. Questo gruppo si chiama i Valdesi. Vissero nelle montagne Piemontesi. I Valdesi furono scomunicati dal Papa nel dodicesimo secolo perché furono...
From the Italian American Press: “With Tears and Laughter”
July 2021
From the first paragraph describing the deep descent of a winding driveway in present-day Joppolo on the east coast of Calabria, across the toe to the western slope of the Aspromonte, and the hillside village of Canolo at the turn of the 20th...