Anne Robichaud

Anne Robichaud, & Contributing Writer

Basilica di San Francesco: A Sublime Set for Sublime Music

September 2017
La basilica di San Francesco ad Assisi, è il luogo che dal 1230 conserva e custodisce le spoglie mortali del santo serafico. Lo scorso novembre questo magnifico luogo dal significato religioso inestimabile ha fatto da scena ad un concerto di Frate...

Italy's Mediterranea Diet: Topping Chez Panisse

August 2017
In 1971, Alice Waters basically launched a California version of the Mediterranean diet when opening Chez Panisse in Berkeley, promoting farm-to-table, fresh, local ingredients. Although I’d studied at UCB in the early 1970’s, I finally tried out...

Spello's Infiorate: Saying It with Flowers

August 2017
It’s not just a kaleidoscope of flowers but seeds, wild field greens, wild fennel, leaves, and walnut, cypress and other seed pods blended in stunning floral tapestries to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Domini (60 days after Easter) in Spello each...

Fresh Tomatoes on that Pasta!

August 2017
In hot weather, there is nothing more refreshing than pasta with a fresh tomato sauce. “Why have a sauce simmering on a hot stove on a steamy summer day,” you might ask. For an Italian, though, what’s lunch without pasta? So here is the perfect...

A Recipe of Enticement: Strawberry (or Peach) Tiramisu

July 2017
In June, strawberries are in our Umbrian garden – and strawberry tiramisu will often be dessert for dinner guests. In July, peaches come along and this dish is also buonissimo substituting peaches for the strawberries. A main ingredient of...

St. Benedict’s Feast: Banners Waive Despite Destruction

June 2017
Only the facade of the Basilica dedicated to St. Benedict still stands in Norcia following the earthquake of October 30, 2016: a sobering backdrop to the celebration of his feast day this year. Declared “Patron Saint of Europe” by Pope...

Wild Asparagus Carbonara: Umbria Springtime Goodness

May 2017
Wild asparagus is now sprouting in our Umbrian woods. With a bit of luck, and ideal weather conditions, we’ll be foraging for the woodland goodness until late May. Our pasta at lunch today highlighted the tasty wild asparagus: spaghetti alla...

Blessed Easter Abundance in Umbria

April 2017
Driving through the Umbrian countryside during the week prior to Easter, you’d note whiffs of smoke drifting up from the outdoor, stone bread ovens fired up by the farmwomen. Holy Week for the Umbrian farmwomen is a busy one, an exhausting...

Perugia’s San Costanzo - and a Sweet Wink

January 2017
Perugia is not just proud of its chocolate, Etruscan artifacts and the Umbria Jazz festival. This provincial capital of Umbria also boasts not just one but three patron saints! Legend tells us that one of them, San Costanzo, first bishop, was...

Orvieto Umbria Jazz Winter Wonders

January 2017
A late December freddo polare (polar cold), which for Italy means anything below freezing temperature, did not deter jazz appassionati from heading to the hill town gem Orvieto for the 22nd edition of Umbria Jazz Winter. Of Etruscan origin and...

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