
Great Italians: Cato, The Stoic Italian

January 2024 |
L'articolo tratta della vita di Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, uno dei senatori romani nel 95 d.C. È ancora noto come storico della famiglia degli imperatori. Uno stoico romano è qualcuno che fu nobile ed ebbe molte ricchezze ma visse una vita...

Passing the Torch by Ben Lariccia

January 2024 |
L'intervista è tra Joe Astolfi, meteorologo conosciuto in Ohio, e La Gazzetta. Originario di San Marino, Joe spiega come la sua eredità ha influenzato la sua vita adesso. Spiega quanti immigrati sammarinesi si sono trasferiti a New York, ma i suoi...

Letters from Veneto: End of Season Celebrations

January 2024 |
The weeks leading up to Christmas were pleasurable here, as opposed to frenetic and commercialized as they are elsewhere. The local Christmas Market along the canal was the first event, with the rowing club (all dressed as Santa Claus) taking...

A Look Back: The Feast of the Seven Fishes

December 2023 |
The Christmas Season is upon us! This is my favorite time of the year; trimming your Christmas tree, hanging your decorations and most importantly, spending time with those you love. Christmas Eve was a big tradition in my home growing up and I am...

Vincent Caggiano: WWII Intelligence Officer and Youngstown Prominente

December 2023 |
Questo articolo descrive l'incredibile vita di Vincent Caggiano, un italo-americano emigrato negli Stati Uniti nel 1928. Quando era bambino i suoi genitori si trasferirono negli Stati Uniti e lui rimase con sua sorella in Italia, ma quando Benito...

A Look Back: Celebrating All Saints' Day and Honoring the Saints

November 2023 |
November is a time to step back, before the holidays are upon us, to appreciate all the wonderful things we have. We, at La Gazzetta Italiana, are very grateful to all of you that subscribe, advertise or carry the newspaper in your business....

NIAF and Iconic Producer De Laurentiis Shine Spotlight on Emerging Filmmakers

November 2023 |
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) and Aurelio De Laurentiis are pleased to announce the establishment of an annual film production grant program to support aspiring filmmakers who wish to tell compelling stories about Italians and...

A Look Back: Portrait of a Youth as Saint Sebastian

October 2023 |
It is that time of year again, Italian Heritage Month! What a great opportunity for all of us to share in the love and appreciation of our great culture. Celebrate in style with a trip to the Art Museum and a night in Little Italy or a trip to our...

Buffalo Wrestling Hall of Famer Ilio DiPaolo Honored in Italy

October 2023 |
Buffalo’s wrestling hall of famer Ilio DiPaolo was honored at La Piazza Cavour in an all-day festival in his hometown of Introdacqua in the Abruzzo region of Italy on August 18, 2023. Mayor Christian Colasante and Carle De Benedetto scheduled this...
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