
A Look Back: Italian Americans: Loving the Italian Way

February 2024 |
Winter is here and it has been cold, but love is in the air! Please enjoy this article by Elia Iafelice from February 2018. As always, we would appreciate your feedback. Please let us know what you think about our publication and how we can...

Rossella Rago: Award-Winning Italian American Cookbook Author and Entrepreneur

February 2024 |
Recently, La Gazzetta Italiana had the chance to get to know Rossella Rago, an award-winning Italian American cookbook author and entrepreneur. Rossella hosts the wildly popular online cooking show “Cooking with Nonna” and is a member of the...

Meet Our Contributor: Anne Robichaud

February 2024 |
My husband, Pino, and I moved to Umbria, a region in Italy, in 1975, with very little money but a lot of determination and will. We wanted to work the land, experience rural Umbria. We rented an old stone farmhouse with a terracotta roof on eight...

A Look Back: Italian Americans: A Culture of Love

January 2024 |
Happy New Year! As we look forward to another year, please know we are thankful for all of our subscribers and advertisers. We hope 2024 brings you all happiness and success. If you have a story idea or would like to write for La Gazzetta Italiana,...

Great Italians: Cato, The Stoic Italian

January 2024 |
L'articolo tratta della vita di Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, uno dei senatori romani nel 95 d.C. È ancora noto come storico della famiglia degli imperatori. Uno stoico romano è qualcuno che fu nobile ed ebbe molte ricchezze ma visse una vita...

Passing the Torch by Ben Lariccia

January 2024 |
L'intervista è tra Joe Astolfi, meteorologo conosciuto in Ohio, e La Gazzetta. Originario di San Marino, Joe spiega come la sua eredità ha influenzato la sua vita adesso. Spiega quanti immigrati sammarinesi si sono trasferiti a New York, ma i suoi...

Letters from Veneto: End of Season Celebrations

January 2024 |
The weeks leading up to Christmas were pleasurable here, as opposed to frenetic and commercialized as they are elsewhere. The local Christmas Market along the canal was the first event, with the rowing club (all dressed as Santa Claus) taking...

A Look Back: The Feast of the Seven Fishes

December 2023 |
The Christmas Season is upon us! This is my favorite time of the year; trimming your Christmas tree, hanging your decorations and most importantly, spending time with those you love. Christmas Eve was a big tradition in my home growing up and I am...

Vincent Caggiano: WWII Intelligence Officer and Youngstown Prominente

December 2023 |
Questo articolo descrive l'incredibile vita di Vincent Caggiano, un italo-americano emigrato negli Stati Uniti nel 1928. Quando era bambino i suoi genitori si trasferirono negli Stati Uniti e lui rimase con sua sorella in Italia, ma quando Benito...
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