On the Cover: Pentedattilo, Calabria
June 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Pentedattilo is a small village in Calabria, southern Italy, administratively a frazione of Melito di Porto Salvo. Until 1811, before the unification of Italy, it was a separate commune. It sits 250 meters above the sea level, on the Monte...
On the Cover: Italian Rose Gardens
May 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Roses are widespread all around Italy. Whether they are red, burgundy, white or yellow, they all have their own charm and beautiful smell. There are many wonderful places to admire Italy’s roses.In the heart of the Roman countryside in Valleranello...
A Look Back: Editor Speaks
May 2023 | Angela Spitalieri
The newspaper is headed into our 31st year of publication. We continue to give 100 percent of our time to the Italian community and we are always looking at ways to improve.This year, a big goal of ours is to increase our online presence. We are...
Joyce Mariani Inducted Into Cleveland International Hall of Fame
May 2023 | Beatrice Colage
Joyce Mariani, direttrice esecutiva della Italian Cultural Garden Foundation e direttrice del Cleveland Film Festival, è stata inserita nel 13 Cleveland International Hall of Fame ad aprile. Mariani si unisce a questo gruppo elitario. Mariani ha un...
Italian Football League's Italian Bowl Coming to Ohio
May 2023 | Super User
Last September with the Toledo skyline in the background, a large group of Italian Bowl organizers and partners – including Italian Federation of American Football (FIDAF) Deputy Vice President Fabio Tortosa, and FIDAF Board Member and General...
On the Cover: Camogli
April 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Camogli is one of the most romantic and spectacular towns on the west side of the peninsula of Portofino on the Golfo Paradiso in the Riviera di Levante. What makes this seaside village such a special place is its own beautiful panorama: the...
A Look Back: Buona Pasqua!
April 2023 | Angela Spitalieri
April is upon us, and spring is beginning to show its face. It is time to think green, time for Easter lilies, and time for the arrival of the traditional Easter Bunny. Most importantly, Easter is a time to reflect on our sacrifices, and focus on...
Vince Lombardi's Winning Ways Still Resonate in Business and Academia
April 2023 | Al Bruno
Vince Lombardi è considerato il capo allenatore più famoso della NFL. Secondo ESPN, Lombardi ha ottenuto il titolo de: L'allenatore dei secoli negli Stati Uniti. Il trofeo del Super Bowl prende il nome da lui. Allenatori di tante squadre e sport...
On the Cover: San Gimignano
March 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Sam Gimignano è un piccolo paese della Toscana, vicino a Siena. Molti anni fa, era un posto di risposo per le persone che camminavano da Firenze a Roma. Il villaggio è pieno di storia. I primi documenti che menzionano la città devono essere almeno...