Hugh Panaro at Severance Hall, Cleveland
February 2023 | Joanna Lucarino
L'articolo descrive il concerto del 31 dicembre alla Severance Hall con l'orchestra Cleveland Pops. Hanno essguito i brani dei film di James Bond. La signora James e il signor Hugh Panaro hanno cantato alcune canzoni con l'orchestra. Il signor...
Gina Lollobrigida, 1927-2023
February 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida, one of the biggest stars of European cinema in the 1950s and '60s, died at the age of 95.
Often described as "the most beautiful woman in the world", her films included "Beat the Devil", the "Hunchback of Notre...
NIAF Now Accepting Applications for Scholarships
February 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Thanks to the generosity of the Italian American community, the National Italian American Foundation has awarded over $10,000,000 in scholarships since its founding. NIAF administers nearly 200 scholarships annually, ranging in value from $2,500 to...
NOIA Foundation $20,000 High School Scholarship
February 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Encourage Your Students to Apply! Pronto!
The Northern Ohio Italian American Foundation (NOIA) is the region’s premier organization dedicated to supporting the community in ways that celebrate Italian heritage. The organization is comprised of the...
On the Cover: The Greek Theatre of Taormina
January 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
The Greek Theatre of Taormina is without question the most important feature for sightseers in Taormina. The ancient theatre boasts a very fortunate natural setting, with splendid views of the Calabrian coast, the Ionian coast of Sicily and the...
A Look Back: A Liturgical Pax from Renaissance Florence
January 2023 | Angela Spitalieri
Happy New Year! As we look forward to another new year, please know we are thankful for all of our subscribers and advertisers. We hope 2023 brings you all happiness and success. If you have a story idea or would like to write for La Gazzetta...
Rocky Marciano's Incredible Determination was Hallmark of his Unbeaten Boxing Legacy
January 2023 | Al Bruno
L'articolo descrive la vita del pugile Rocky Marciano. Italo-americano, Marciano ha avuto una carriera da pugile di grande successo. Era uno dei pugili più famosi nello sport. L'articolo descrive un incontro in cui ha combattuto contro Ezzard...
On the Cover: Zampognari
December 2022 | La Gazzetta Italiana
No Italian Christmas would be complete without the sound of bagpipes. Everywhere from the piazzas of Rome to remote hillside villages, the Zampognari (pipers) continue the tradition of festive bagpipe playing that dates back to ancient Roman...
A Look Back: Editor Speaks
December 2022 | La Gazzetta Italiana
The Christmas Season is upon us! Soon it will be time to trim your Christmas tree, hang your decorations and most importantly, spend time with those you love. I am very excited to share this special issue with all of you. What are some of your...