
On the Cover: The Mimosa Flower

March 2022 |
In the language of flowers, the mimosa flower is rich in symbolism and meanings. Perhaps most notable is how the mimosa has been an emblem of femininity and freedom since 1946 for International Women’s Day (La Festa delle Donne), which takes place...

A Look Back: Springtime in Tuscany

March 2022 |
March is here, and hopefully this means a warm-up, soon, so our garden experts can get started for spring. March is a time to prepare for the beauty that will blossom all around us. March is always a busy month. The Orchid exhibit runs through...

On the Cover: The Battle of the Oranges

February 2022 |
Dal 27 febbraio al 3 marzo, accadrà la Battaglia delle Arance al paesino di Ivrea in Piemonte. Questo carnevale cominciò nell’epoca medievale quando la figlia di un mugnaio non si volle sposare con il barone. Lei uccise il barone con una spada....

A Look Back: Paying Homage to the Bones of St. Valentine

February 2022 |
Winter has arrived and it has been a few cold weeks. What better way to warm up than with your Valentine? Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at La Gazzetta. As always, we would appreciate your feedback. Please let us know what you think about...

Buffalo's Sam Noto: A World-Class Jazz Trumpet Virtuoso

February 2022 |
L’articolo tratta della vita di Sam Noto, un italo-americano famoso per la sua musica jazz. Noto è nato dopo La Grande Depressione negli Stati Uniti. I suoi genitori non lavoravano durante la Depressione; dunque, era per lo più povero. Sam voleva...

On the Cover: Castel Monguelfo

January 2022 |
Known as Castel Monguelfo to the Italians and Schloss Welsperg or Welsperg Castle to the Germans, Castel Monguelfo is the oldest fortress in Upper Val Pusteria (the “green valley” in South Tyrol, the northernmost part of Italy). The ancient castle...

A Look Back: A Magical Outdoor Theatre in Northern Italy

January 2022 |
  The holidays are over. No more Christmas lights and no more Christmas tree. We at La Gazzetta Italiana have great things in store for you in 2022. We take great pride in our newspaper, and we are always looking to bring more value to those...


January 2022 |
Once again, the Azzurri find themselves on the doorsteps of not making the World Cup. How did our beloved team, who brought us so much joy in July by winning the Euro Cup, find themselves in this situation? How did essentially the same roster, made...

Remembering Frank A. Sedita: Sojourning from Shoeshine Boy to Buffalo Mayor

January 2022 |
Frank Sedita fu eletto sindaco della città di Buffalo. Sedita iniziò la sua carriera in politica nel 1950, quando diventò giudice. Durante il suo mandato, il suo principale obiettivo fu quello di aiutare i poveri a Buffalo. Per questo motivo,...
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