Local News

Saving History - Community and Tradition Through Bocce

December 2017 |
Through its exploration of the Wickliffe Italian & American Club Cleveland Challenge Cup of Bocce, John Vourlis’ documentary film “Breaking Balls” reveals the power of bocce to bring people of all ages together. In its over 30 years, the...
Local News > Youngstown

The Mahoning Valley Loses a Loyal Son with the Passing of Tony Lariccia

December 2017 |
A leading light of the Mahoning Valley Italian American community, Anthony “Tony” Lariccia, passed away on Sept. 20, 2017. He is survived by Mary Olinick Lariccia, his wife, and daughters Natalie and Dana. Born in 1945, Tony was the grandson of...

Saving History - DiGeronimo's Pitch in to Save Italian Neighborhood Landmark

November 2017 |
Independence Excavating Inc. e Precision Environmental Co. sono state fondate dal patriarca della famiglia DiGeronimo. Come molti rioneresi che immigrarono a Cleveland nei primi anni del XX secolo, Sam si stabilì nel quartiere italiano di Luna...

2017 City of Cleveland Italian Heritage Month Honorees

October 2017 |
Aldo and Robert CampelloneAldo and Robert Campellone are Cleveland boys through and through. They say Cleveland runs in their veins. The Campellones trace their local roots back to their great grandfather who first came to Cleveland in 1888 and...
Local News > Youngstown

From Indian Territory to the Mahoning Valley: A Story of Italian Immigration

October 2017 |
Nell’ultimo ventennio del 1800, i Territori Indiani che sarebbero in seguito divenuti lo Stato dell’Oklahoma furono la prima destinazione di molti italiani che emigrarono dall’Italia settentrionale e meridionale in cerca di migliore fortuna negli...

Happy Birthday to Alfred Michael Sforzo

October 2017 |
La figlia e la nipote di Alfred Sforzo augurano un felicissimo 80° compleanno al capostipite della famiglia. Nel corso della sua carriera, Alfred  è stato conducente di camion di birra,   proprietario di un bar e di un ristorante,...

Celebrating Tradition at the 125th Anniversary of the Holy Rosary Parish

October 2017 |
La parrocchia di Holy Rosary a Little Italy celebra il 125° anniversario della sua fondazione. Gli attesissimi festeggiamenti avranno luogo durante il fine settimana del 7 e 8 ottobre e tutti i fedeli sono inviati a partecipare alle Messe ed a una...

Another Italy: Other Realities - A photographic exhibition documenting current Mexican immigration to Italy

October 2017 |
October celebrates Italian American Heritage Month. While our communities in the U.S. commemorate the invaluable opportunities that immigration to America afforded millions of Italians at a time of profound economic crisis in the mother land, it is...
Local News > Cleveland

Another Italy: Other Realties

October 2017 |
October 2017, Cleveland City Hall, 2nd floorPresented by The Bishop Pilla Italian American Studies Program at JCU and the Hon. Consulate of Italy in Cleveland & Ohio October celebrates Italian American Heritage Month. While our communities in...
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