Local News

Voting procedure for Italian Citizens Residing Abroad

February 2018 |
Si prega di consultare frequentemente il sito internet del Consolato d’Italia a Detroit http://www.consdetroit.esteri.it/consolato_detroit/it/per maggiori informazioni sulla procedura di voto. Download PDF

Little Italy Redevelopment Corporation to Host Annual Tripe Dinner

February 2018 |
The Second Annual Tripe Dinner LIRC Fundraiser will be taking place on Feb. 6, 2018 at the Holy Rosary Parish Hall on Mayfield Rd. in Cleveland. Tickets are $45 per person and will sell out fast. The event will last from 7 – 10 p.m. This event is...

Italy's Ferrero to Buy U.S. Nestle Division

February 2018 |
Italy’s Ferrero is closing in on a deal to purchase Nestle’s U.S. confectionary business for $2.8 billion reported Bloomberg. Traditionally preferring organic growth as opposed to acquisitions, Ferrero had been vying with Hershey and private...

Voting by Mail for Italian Citizens Residing Abroad

January 2018 |
 Please be advised that in 2018 elections will be held for the Italian Parliament. Italian citizens residing abroad have the opportunity to vote by mail, in accordance with Art. 19 of Law n.459 of 2001. Italian citizens are reminded of their...

Saving History - Cleveland Starts Here® at the WRHS Cleveland History Center

January 2018 |
In celebration of its 150th anniversary in 2017, the Western Reserve Historical Society gave a gift to the community in the form of an exhibit called Cleveland Starts Here®. Sponsored by the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Cleveland...

NOIA Meets Andrea Bocelli

January 2018 |
“È per fede nell’amore e nella giustizia che siamo chiamati a costruire un mondo migliore di quello che abbiamo trovato, chiamati a restituire al mondo ciò che di buono abbiamo avuto, affinché anche le persone più sfortunate o più deboli abbiamo la...

Louise DiPietro Barth

January 2018 |
Louise DiPietro Barth (DiBartolomeo), passed away on November 28, 2017, a little more than a month before her 96th birthday. Her last Sunday was spent driving to Holy Redeemer Church for Mass and then to breakfast with her friends. After returning,...

Fiat Chrysler Group unveils the redesigned 2018 Jeep Wrangler made at the company’s plant in Toledo, OH

January 2018 |
An interview with Mauro Pino, Toledo plant manager from 2010 to 2011 and currently VP of LATAM Manufacturing Il nuovo Jeep Wrangler 2018 ha fatto il suo debutto il 29 novembre al Los Angeles Motor Show, scelta azzeccata da parte del gruppo FCA che...
Local News > Youngstown

Liberty Township: The 1873 Coal War and the Italians

January 2018 |
Lo sciopero dei minatori di carbone del 1873 voleva essere una ferma protesta contro i tagli dei già bassi salari nella valle di Mahoning. Sfortunatamente, sebbene si protrasse per otto mesi, non raggiunse mai l’obiettivo desiderato. La pratica,...
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