Joanna Lucarino

Contributing writer

L’Unione Italiana

June 2020
L’Unione Italiana, “The Italian Club” in Ybor City just north of downtown Tampa, FL, is in this great little neighborhood with a rich history of immigration from Latin countries like Sicily, Italy and Cuba. Emigrants from Sicily’s Magazzolo Valley...

Michelangelo’s Pietas

May 2020
Michelangelo Buonarroti, born 1475 in Florence, lauded painter and architect of the Sistine Chapel, poet, and inventor considered himself first and foremost a sculptor and worked in marble until his death in Rome in 1564. He was buried in the...

Michelangelo's Pieta

April 2020
The greatest influence on the European world of art, economics, culture, and intellectual achievement was the Italian Renaissance. Florentine artist, Michelangelo Buonarotti, one of the most illustrious and well-known artists of this period, is...

“Le Avventure di Pinocchio: Storia di un Burattino” (The Adventures of Pinocchio: The Story of a Puppet)

January 2020
Folk and fairy tales filled with allegorical symbolism were originally shared amongst adults in the oral tradition until Charles Perrault scribed them around 300-years-ago and the Brothers Grimm around 100-years-ago. In 1959, Italo Calvino...

Holiday Events in Little Italy Cleveland

December 2019
Even though winter is ahead of us, Little Italy Cleveland has plenty of reasons for us to venture out and visit. Conceived over 30 years ago, the Art Walk takes place the first weekend in June, October and December. This year it will be December...

To Catch a Thief

December 2019
Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” also known as La Gioconda, has more than just her smile and eyes shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. Most notable is the world-famous theft from the Louvre in 1911 and vandalisms in the 1950’s. The Mona...

A Wine Tale

November 2019
Once upon a time in the land of Venosa, there lived a prince, Alberico Boncompagni Ludovisi, born in 1918, a descendant of a 1,000-year-old line of Italian royalty which included Popes Gregory XIII and XV. This introverted prince was not interested...

It Takes Two to Tango

October 2019
Il tango è oggi un ballo popolare associato ad incanto ed eleganza, sebbene ai suoi inizi fosse molto differente. Cominciò a diffondersi a Buenos Aires - la città dove “far fortuna” intorno al 1820, come tipo di percussione usata dagli...

The Slow Food Movement

July 2019
”A firm defense of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life...our defense should begin at the table with Slow Food.”  ~Petrini  “Our Mother Earth brings us together in a universal...

The Tarantella

May 2019
At the typical Italian American wedding reception, party-goers dance in a circle around the newlyweds to a fast and upbeat tempo joyously welcoming the couple into their new life. This is the traditional southern Italian folk dance called the...

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