Anne Robichaud

Anne Robichaud, & Contributing Writer

Orvieto Umbria Jazz Winter Wonders

January 2017
A late December freddo polare (polar cold), which for Italy means anything below freezing temperature, did not deter jazz appassionati from heading to the hill town gem Orvieto for the 22nd edition of Umbria Jazz Winter. Of Etruscan origin and...

Assisi's Christmas of "Il Poverello"

December 2016
Even the holiday decorations in the medieval hilltown of Assisi – citta’ della pace – bear witness to San Francesco; simplicity is the theme. Over 25 years ago, Pope John Paul II chose Assisi as the perfect site for his peace...

That Antonio Ligabue Gleam in Gualdo Tadino

November 2016
In northeaster Umbria, Gualdo Tadino, of pre-Roman origins, perches like a silent sentinel on a forested hilltop. A few of the ancient town’s buildings miraculously survived the devastating 1751 earthquake: one was the frescoed 13th century...

In San Pellegrino di Norcia, the Earthquake’s “New Homeless”

October 2016
On the last Sunday in August, Pino and I put on helmets, mounted his moto Guzzi and headed southeast into the mountainous Valnerina (Nera River Valley) towards Norcia, only about 16 kms. from Accumoli (the epicenter of the August 24...

Lucignano, From Gold to Chianina Goodness

September 2016
Il piccolo borgo di Lucignano, situato sulle colline toscane tra Siena ed Arezzo costituisce uno degli esempi più straordinari di urbanistica medievale per il suo impianto a forma ellittica ad anelli concentrici, pervenutoci intatto...

Traveling along Abruzzo’s Wine Route

July 2016
Sweeping his hand across the burnished orange vineyards along the highways, Pino said, “This is Abruzzo’s wine country.” Due to an unseasonably warm fall, central Italy’s vineyards were still showing off their gold, rust and...

Assisi's Glorious Day

October 2015
St. Francis' feast day, Oct. 4, is a big day in Assisi and a big day in Italy. In 2005, the Italian Parliament declared this day to be a celebration of peace, brotherhood and dialogue among all peoples of all religions. Each year, one of the 20...

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