Local News

Saving History: Dr. Franca Barricelli Visits Cleveland

June 2017 |
Dr. Franca Barricelli did not grow up in Cleveland, but feels a sense of home whenever she visits. The feeling comes from her familial ties to the area. Her grandfather, Dr. Giovanni Barricelli, was a prominent physician and Italian community...

Local Festivals

June 2017 |
St. Francis of Assisi FestivalJune 8-11th, 2017 6850 Mayfield Rd, Gates Mills, 440-461-0066www.stfrancisgm.org Holy Redeemer Feast of St. Anthony15712 Kipling Avenue, Cleveland, Oh 44110, 216-531-3313Saturday, June 10th, 4:00pm-9:00pmSunday, June...
Local News > Youngstown

Angiuli's Farm Markets: Farm to Table Straordinario!

June 2017 |
The Angiuli story begins in 1981, at the Pyatt Street Market in Youngstown. From there, Rita Angiuli opened a fruit and vegetable stand outdoors, under a shady oak tree. This is how Carl Angiuli lovingly describes to La Gazzetta how his parents...

"Law! That's My Desire" - Judge Mary Kaye Bozza

June 2017 |
When she was 15 and attending Notre Dame Academy, Mary Kaye Bozza knew she wanted to be a lawyer. Years later, after raising two children, Lisa and Michael, as a single parent, she followed her father’s footsteps and attended Cleveland...

SkyKing Fireworks

June 2017 |
July 4 is Independence Day, a national holiday on which Americans celebrate a declared independence from Great Britain that occurred on July 4, 1776. This patriotic day is commemorated with countless outdoor events celebrated with families and...

Anthony O. Calabrese Becomes Assistant Attorney General

June 2017 |
Anthony O. Calabrese Jr., è stato nominato Assistant Attorney General dell’Ohio presso l’ufficio di Michael DeWine. Come funzionario del potere esecutivo, svolgerà l’incarico di consulente legale del governo dello...

Minimum/Maximum: a Discovery into the Work of Artist Alighiero Boetti

June 2017 |
Alighiero Boetti was a leading 20th century Italian conceptual artist and a member of the Arte Povera movement. Especially famous for a series of embroidered maps of the world, “Mappa,” created between 1971 and his death in 1994,...

Cleveland International HOF Honors Russo/Craciun

June 2017 |
La Cleveland International Hall of Fame ha recentemente celebrato l’ingresso di Basil Russo e Jim Craciun nella rosa delle figure che si sono maggiormente distinte per il proprio operato. Russo è Presidente Nazionale della ISDA (The...

Remembering a Dear Friend

June 2017 |
Anne Miceli di University Lodge si è spenta il 20 marzo, giorno di San Giuseppe, all’età di 92 anni. Nonostante la morte inaspettata di due figlie e, negli anni a seguire, del marito, la signora Miceli non ha mai smesso di...
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