Anthony Grano

Anthony Grano, contributing writer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ten Thousand to One

October 2012
As we look over the last 500 years of history there have been thousands of examples of original thought and accomplishment in all areas of human endeavor originating from the Italian peninsula: the arts, sciences, medicine, music, and business....

A Toast to an Italian Wasp

September 2012
Sometimes I feel a bit quirky in that I listen to National Public Radio for news and insight into things. Often the information may not be suited for a wide range of listeners. One afternoon in early August I heard the promo for a story on the...

A Christmas Story

December 2011
A blending of fact and fiction by Anthony Grano In a small hill town in southern Italy, a young man prepares to leave his home, his family and his country. The past two years have not been good for the family and Papa has decided to send his...

Gino, Ida, and Rudy

November 2011
Durante questo mese ho avuto il piacere di visitare trè ristoranti proprio all'italiana nella zona di Pittsburgh. Ogn'uno di questi opera diversamente, ha un menu diverso dall'altro e una clientela diversa, ma i proprietari di questi...

Sunseri Brothers, Two Staples in the Strip District

July 2011
Now that the nice weather has finally arrived, I have noticed a marked increase in the auto and foot traffic in our beloved Strip District. Over the winter months I normally found a prime parking spot on either Smallman St. or Penn Ave. and was...

Halle Petro Making Music

June 2011
This is a story of a young woman. The story should have been told in last month's issue that covered entertainment, however this young woman's story is still incomplete and she has not, as of yet, made her mark in the entertainment world. The...

Easter, Past and Present

April 2011
From my childhood, I remember Easter. I remember the anticipation of getting up and searching for the dyed eggs scattered about the house. Our Easter baskets were filled with candy treats and topped off with a large chocolate egg or bunny. I...

Vatican Splendors: A Journey through Faith and Art

January 2011
Il Vaticano racchiude la piu' impressionante collezione d'opere d'arte di tutto il mondo. Per molti, pero', raggiungere Roma e' proibitivo. Ebbene, c'e' ancora speranza per osservare e godere delle meraviglie del Vaticano! Una mostra aperta fino al...

Pittsburgh's crèche traditions

December 2010
La nativita‘ incanta Pittsburgh: un opera mai eseguita prima d'ora in tali dimensioni esntusiama i passanti di Grant street, dove la scena della nativita‘ raffigura ben 22 personaggi a grandezza naturale. L‘incredibile...

Bloomfield, Pittsburgh's Little Italy

August 2010
Sin dal 1700, l'odierna Bloomfield, situata in Pittsburgh, ha visto nella sua storia numerose e diverse culture a popolare quest'area. Oggi, con lo stesso spirito cosmopolitano, Bloomfield ospita una vibrante ed attiva Piccota Italia che da vita...

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