History & culture
June 2022 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Il nuovo film del regista Eitan Pitigliani si chiama “Sissy”. Questo film è ispirato della sua storia personale, principalmente quando sua mamma è morta. Nel film, i personaggi maggiori sono Luca (interpretato da Vincenzo Vivenzio) e Sissy...
Bambi’s Sicilian Mother
May 2022 | William Giovinazzo
“Mother? Where are you, mother?” If you have seen Disney’s “Bambi,” you know this scene. In the interests of those who haven’t, I won’t go into more detail. That scene, as well as the others between Bambi and his mother, depict a very American,...
The Legacy of Two Remarkable Men
May 2022 | Janice Therese Mancuso
In the early 1850s, a cottage in Staten Island, NY, became the home of an inventor and a revolutionist. Both born on Italian soil, one lived in the house, the other was a guest. Collectively, their accomplishments ranged from creator to warrior....
The 1960 Rome Olympics
May 2022 | Al Bruno
The 1960 Rome Olympic Games, also known as the SVII Olympiad in Rome, Italy, were spectacular, moving, and memorable. The 1960 Rome Olympics catapulted athletic competition worldwide like never before.The 1960 Games were held from August 25 to...
All’s Fair in Love and War: “The Italian Prisoner”
May 2022 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Burgundy Bend Press recently announced the release of “The Italian Prisoner,” a work of historical fiction written by Elisa M. Speranza. Set in the Sicilian community of New Orleans’ French Quarter, the novel illuminates a true but little-known...
Letters from the Old Country by Ben Lariccia
April 2022 | Ben Lariccia
Many immigrants were in regular contact with their families back home. Those who were illiterate had people who wrote for them. Correspondence from Italy was often read aloud to the entire family. Letters could contain money or a reference to a...
NIAF Creates Innovative Affiliate Organization Program
April 2022 | Ben Lariccia
NIAF è un'organizzazione nazionale per gli italo-americani. Per diventarne membro, c’è una tassa annuale di $1,500. Con l'appartenenza a questa organizzazione ci sono vari vantaggi. Per esempio, NIAF è affiliato con Perrillo Tours, un’agenzia che...
How Grandma’s Letters Became an Archive
April 2022 | Ben Lariccia
Dopo l’emigrazione degli italiani negli Stati Uniti, l'abilità di comunicare è diventata molto importante per gli emigrati, per avere corrispondenza con la loro famiglia italiana. L’autrice dell’articolo descrive come aveva aiutato sua nonna...
Easter Traditions
April 2022 | William Giovinazzo
I do not mean to be irreverent, but Easter Morning strikes me as kind of an epilogue, the final concluding bit in a movie. You know, like in a movie where the villain seems to have won, to have defeated the hero. Then, the good guy comes out of...