William Giovinazzo

Contributing writer

Marco Polo Introduced Chopsticks to the Chinese

August 2024
Recently, I made Aglio e Olio for my family, including my 18-month-old grandson. Have you ever seen a toddler eat spaghetti? He sat in his high chair with a large pile of noodles in the tray in front of him. He would grab handfuls of the stuff and...

Pineapple on Pizza, Sure. Anchovies, No.

June 2024
Recently, after a long and busy day, my wife and I decided to bring in a pizza. Although my wife makes an incredible pizza, it was one of those nights when we just wanted to sit in front of the television, doing nothing more strenuous than chewing....

Canto III: Abandon All Hope

May 2024
Quotes from The Inferno are taken from the Charles S. Singleton translation. Canto III opens with the inscription on the gates of hell; “Through me you enter the woeful city / Through me you enter eternal grief / Through me you enter among the...

Dante, Canto II: A Canto of Contrasts

April 2024
In many ways, the second canto (chapter) of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” is one of contrasts: light versus dark, slavery versus freedom, and courage versus fear. Toward the end of the first canto, Dante meets Virgil, who tells him the only way out of...

Dante, Canto 1: Lost in the Dark Wood

March 2024
“In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to myself in a dark wood where the straight way was lost.” So begins Dante’s journey through the afterlife.  As we see from the above quote, Dante begins by waking. Midway through his life, he...

A Book Review: “Christ Stopped at Eboli”

March 2024
When I was a boy, movies and television shows depicted Italy as a lush land with happy, though somewhat simple, peasants. Their homes were quaint, kitchens festooned with braids of garlic and  herbs. There was always plenty of bread,...

“The Divine Comedy”: The Inferno

February 2024
Hell. A place without hope. A place of justice. A place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. It is this place, this place of utter despair, through which Dante voluntarily travels to be reunited with the great love of his life, Beatrice. Dante...

Great Italians: Cato, The Stoic Italian

January 2024
L'articolo tratta della vita di Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, uno dei senatori romani nel 95 d.C. È ancora noto come storico della famiglia degli imperatori. Uno stoico romano è qualcuno che fu nobile ed ebbe molte ricchezze ma visse una vita...

A Book Review: “The Fortunate Pilgrim”

January 2024
The movie “The Godfather” was released when I was 16-years-old. At the time, I didn’t care much about it. But my mother! Although you would not describe her as a moviegoer, she insisted we see it when she heard they sang “Che La Luna” during the...

“The Divine Comedy”

January 2024
Imagine for a moment being lost, not just I-took-the-wrong-exit-off-the-freeway-in-the-middle-of-the-day lost, but good and lost. Imagine it is the middle of the night. And you are in a dark forest, a really, really dark forest. You have no cell...

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