Anne Robichaud

Anne Robichaud, & Contributing Writer

Strawberry Tiramisu

August 2018
Ingredients (for 8 people):1 ½ C. Fresh ricotta1 ½ C. Mascarpone6 – 8 Eggs1 qt. Very ripe strawberries or substitute with 6-8 very ripe peaches1 C. Sugar20 Lady fingers cookies (savoiardi) ½ pkg. Amaretti cookies½ qt. Orange or apricot or pear or...

The Singing Washerwomen of Tuscia

July 2018
Gathering together at the village wash area to scrub the family laundry was often a social highlight of the day for women of the small villages in Italy. Chattering animated the scrubbing, but so did song. In 2013, Simonetta Chiaretti, born in...

Pasta alle Melanzane: A Summertime Recipe

July 2018
This Sicilian eggplant pasta dish is a hit! Pasta alle Melanzane (for 4 – 6 people) Ingredients:4-6 Medium-sized eggplantsExtra virgin olive oil, q. b. (“quanto basta” or “as much as you need”)½ C. Sunflower seed oil (or other vegetable...

Spello's Infiorate: A Floral Night

June 2018
Spello, an ancient commune in Umbria, is in full blossom every year on Sunday morning of Corpus Domini, 60 days after Easter. On this day, the Host is carried in solemn procession over stunning floral tapestries carpeting Spello’s medieval...

Anghiari's Mostra Mercato

May 2018
Dal 21 aprile al 1° maggio ha avuto luogo ad Anghiari la 43ª Edizione della Mostra Mercato dell’Artigianato della Valtiberina Toscana, una  mostra itinerante che propone a visitatori e turisti una suggestiva passeggiata tra vicoli e piazzette,...

Pig to Prosciutto

March 2018
Uno dei prodotti tipici e maggiormente apprezzati del nostro Paese è sicuramente il prosciutto crudo, il salume ottenuto dalla stagionatura, senza cottura, delle cosce del maiale. Dopo averle dissanguate, vengono massaggiate per spremere il sangue...

An Umbria Winter Recipe: Lemon Zest Winter Squash

February 2018
On these biting winter days, our wood stove warms our Assisi farmhouse while tempting  me into trying new dishes. Here is a recent favorite. Ingredients (for 4- 6 people)1 - 1/2 lbs. Winter squashExtra-virgin olive oil, q.b. (“quanto...

Santa Maria degli Angeli in Festa

January 2018
Just below Assisi, in Santa Maria degli Angeli, the guild of St. Anthony (Compagnia di Sant’Antonio) was formed at the time of the construction of the 17th century Basilica, built over the site where St. Francis of Assisi died in 1226. The...

Fusilli con Zucca, Prosciutto e Salvia

January 2018
(Fusilli Pasta with Winter Squash, Prosciutto and Sage) That rich coral-orange winter squash appeals to the eye as well as to the palate. Ingredients (serves 4 – 6 people): ½ lb. Fusilli pasta 1-1 ½ lbs. Winter squash, diced 5-6 Fresh sage...

Pasta alle Melanzane: A Summertime Recipe

October 2017
This Sicilian eggplant pasta dish is a hit! Ingredients (serves 4 – 6 people):4 – 6 Medium-sized eggplantsExtra virgin olive oil, q. b. (“quanto basta” or “as much as you need”)½ C. Sunflower seed oil (or other vegetable oil)Parmesan cheese, q....

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