Anne Robichaud

Anne Robichaud, & Contributing Writer

In Assisi, Seeking that Floral Splendor of the Infiorate

July 2024
The Feast of Corpus Domini is celebrated with astounding floral splendor in the flower tapestries winding through Spello’s medieval backstreets.  Thousands arrived in early morning to take in the splendor as the multitudinous Infiorate...

The Symbolic Frescoes of Spello

July 2024
Una chiesa Umbra, in provincia Perugia, è un sito sacro molto bello. Anche se la data della costruzione della chiesa non sia certa, si crede sia del tredicesimo secolo. Un pittore, Pinturicchio, è conosciuto per le scene bibliche e storie sulle...

Madonna Primavera

June 2024
Madonna Primavera or Lady Spring reigns in glory over Assisi’s early May festival, Calendimaggio. On April 30, five damigelle (damsels) from “Upper” Assisi, La Nobilissima Parte di Sopra (“The Most Noble Part of Upper Assisi”), in elegant medieval...

In Assisi, Cimabue 13th Century Fresco Restored to Splendor

May 2024
After over a year’s work by skilled young fresco restoration experts in Assisi’s stunning Basilica di San Francesco, the late 13th century Cimabue fresco la Maesta’ has returned to its splendor. The unveiling in mid-February took place in late...

Near Pisa, Peccioli Merits a Stop

April 2024
On a recent visit to friends near Pisa, Pino and I decided to veer off the usual autostrada route for our return trip to Assisi. We had a full day ahead of us so we headed south into the Tuscan countryside toward Volterra passing splendid Tuscan...

Umbria Jazz Winter Festival

April 2024
For the past 30 years in late December, the Umbria Jazz Winter festival livens up the medieval hill town of Orvieto, bringing in the New Year with a musical blast of jazz, rock, and country western.  Musical events abound in the medieval...

In Bertinoro, La Festa dell’Ospitalita Captivates All

February 2024
L'articolo descrive il Festival dell'Ospitalità che si celebra ogni anno a Bertinoro, in Emilia Romagna. La festa ebbe inizio nel XIII secolo. Ogni anno si svolgono eventi in Piazza della Libertà, tra Palazzo Ordelaffi e la Colonna delle Anelle. La...

Fanum Voltumnae: An Etruscan “Celestial Place” Near Orvieto

November 2023
I have often termed our bellissima italia “that land of the endless discoveries”. A recent early evening visit to an Etruscan find below Orvieto (of Etruscan origin, 9th century, B.C.) confirmed this. Spreading out on a volcanic tuff rock plateau,...

Naples’ Basilica di Santa Chiara

August 2023
The Basilica di Santa Chiara in Naples is a regal church. Not only for its elegance but also for the purpose of its construction: to house the bodies of the royal descendants of the Angiovin King, Roberto I, called “il Saggio” (“the Wise”). The...

Basilica San Piero a Grado

July 2023
Just four miles west of Pisa, an 11th century Romanesque Basilica stands solitary and solemn in an open field. The medieval basilica San Piero a Grado (also known as the Basilica di San Pietro Apostolo) is fascinatingly unique for many...

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