Margie Longano Miklas

Margie Longano Miklas, contributing writer

My Travel Experiences in the Region of Molise

June 2013
When I think of central Italy, the first place that comes to mind is Tuscany, a rather popular destination, but then I think of Umbria, which is not quite so popular. The smaller and less well-known region of Molise is not exactly a tourist...

The unbeatable experience of soccer in Italy

April 2013
Soccer in Italy is almost a religion. Being Italian is synonymous with being a soccer fan in Italy. Soccer seems to be everywhere, and every hotel lobby with a television screen has a soccer game turned on whenever Italian teams are competing....

The Presepe Tradition of Naples, Italy

December 2012
Christmas in Naples, Italy is truly special particularly since Naples is most famous for its Nativity scenes or presepi. Presepe means crib or crèche and the one place in Naples that is a must-see especially at Christmastime is the famous...

How to Order Gelato in Italy

August 2012
Anyone traveling to Italy cannot come home without eating gelato. Gelato plays a huge role in the Italian culture. Every town in Italy has at least one gelateria. Even the local bars serve gelato which is ok in a pinch, but you will always find the...

The City of Ceramics with a Promising Future for the Youth

July 2012
Artist, Miriam Pace of Caltagirone in the Via Roma 155 Studio Caltagirone is not generally known as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy. In fact this Sicilian Baroque town that sits high on a hilltop between Siracusa and...

Traditional Easter Dishes in Italy

April 2012
Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring, as decided at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. In Italy Easter is first a religious celebration but it is also celebrated with traditional Easter foods. These can vary...

Italian Lovers Celebrate Valentine's Day

February 2012
Valentine's Day is synonymous with love and Italians traditionally have been considered to be lovers. Known in Italy as "La Festa Degli Innamorati," Valentine's Day is celebrated only between lovers and sweethearts. Young sweethearts in Italy...

Italian Festivals Big and Small

October 2011
Si sà che agli italiani piace celebrare le cosiddette Sagre o Festival che si organizzano durante l'anno in tantissime comunità del territorio Italiano. Tante di queste sono famose anche all'estero. E' una opportunità per gli...

Italian Wedding Traditions, Yesterday and Today

February 2011
Gli Italiani seguono molto le loro tradizioni ed il matrimonio ad esempio è un'evento che ha molte tradizioni, però certe antiche tradizioni del 1900 non si seguono più. Ad esempio, in Toscana la sposa indossava un'abito nero...

Made in Italy - Alfa Romeos and Jeeps

January 2011
Aria di cambiamenti e restrutturazioni in casa Fiat. Un accordo di 1.3 miliardi di dollari e‘ al varco tra Fiat e Chrysler. I numeri incoraggiano ed auspicano un aumento produttivo di oltre 100 mila vetture agni anno. Le delicate trattative...

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