La Gazzetta Italiana
An American Italian: “Rosie the Riveter”
June 2017
How about the power and strength of an Italian woman, Rosina Bonavita of Peekskill, NY who gained fame during WWII? Her high school sweetheart and husband-to-be, Jim Hickey, was serving in the Navy in the Pacific aboard the battleship USS...
Italy’s Economy
June 2017
I dati economici italiani del primo trimestre 2017 sono tutti molto buoni, a cominciare dalla produzione industriale che segna un incremento dell’1% confermando così il trend in ascesa degli ultimi mesi. Le misure di sostegno alla...
Sylvester Poli (1858-1937) - Waxing an Empire!
June 2017
There’s a story that Sylvester Zefferino Poli once worked a street corner collecting pennies as his pet monkey danced to organ grinder music. While this may not be 100 percent true, Poli did, in fact, emigrate to New York in September 1881....
June 2017 events
June 2017
June is filled with great events such as festas and musical concerts all over the country.
June 2 – Festa della Repubblica (Anniversary of the Republic) On this day in 1946, Italians voted to abolish the monarchy that had been in place since...
Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso
June 2017
Known for its wildlife and geothermal features such as Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park, 96% of which lies in Wyoming while the remaining 4% crosses the boarders into Idaho and Montana, was signed into law in March of 1872 and was the first...
Financial News
June 2017
The S&P 500 Index historically has performed better during the May-through-October period when it has started above its 200-day moving average. Long considered the worst six-month period of the year, it’s known universally as the time to...
Italy’s school children suffer high levels of anxiety
June 2017
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) claims that while Italy’s school children score well in socializing, they suffer high levels of anxiety. Results suggest the Italian school system is one of the world’s...
An oratory as been transformed into a synagogue in Palermo
June 2017
An oratory known as Holy Mary of Saturday as been transformed into a synagogue in Palermo, Sicily. The edict of Palermo’s archbishop, Corrado Lorefice, reversed a Spanish order of five centuries ago that forced Sicily’s Jews to leave...
20 percent of women born in the 1970s to remain childless in Greece, Spain and Italy
June 2017
A Viennese study group reported that about 20 percent of women born in the 1970s are likely to remain childless in Greece, Spain and Italy. Italy’s birthrate has reverted to 1.3. Countries recognize the problem and Italy has increased bonuses...
The town of Bormida is offering to pay 2,000 euros to anyone who moves there
June 2017
In the Ligurian region of Italy, the town of Bormida is offering to pay 2,000 euros to anyone who moves there. The community is down to less than 400 people and to save it from being a “ghost town,” the mayor has tossed in a bonus of...