Anne Robichaud

Anne Robichaud, & Contributing Writer

Chestnuts, New Wine and Rural Lore

November 2018
The Chapel dedicated to St. Martin and frescoed by Simone Martini in the 14th century is certainly one of the masterpieces in our Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi, Umbria. St. Martin of Tours, a 4th century saint, is depicted as he gives his...

Pears, Prosciutto, Parsley, and More: A Tasty Antipasto Recipe

November 2018
A delectable new cheese now tempts customers at our favorite local caseificio (“cheeese-maker” or a place where cheeses are made and sold) here in Assisi. It’s their own sheep’s milk Roquefort, the blue di pecorino. It’s the perfect cheese to...

Italy Unites for Assisi's Feast of St. Francis

October 2018
Il 4 ottobre si celebra la festa di San Francesco, il ‘poverello di Assisi’ e santo tra i più amati e venerati in tutto il mondo e che nel 1939 venne proclamato Patrono d’Italia da Papa Pio XII. Da allora ogni anno una regione diversa – che...

A Spaghetti Sauce Trio: Eggplants, Tomatoes and Ricotta

October 2018
The freshly-made ricotta from our favorite caseficio inspired this pasta recipe. It’s easy, simple and buonissimo. Spaghetti alla Ricotta e MelanzaneIngredients: (for four people)2 Medium-sized eggplants2 Ripe tomatoes1/2 White onion1 Bunch fresh...

Saintly Gelati of Bolsena

September 2018
Patron saint and early Christian martyr, Santa Cristina, reigns in Bolsena (Lazio) – in unexpected ways. Wandering through the Basilica di Santa Cristina, one finds the early Christian catacombs, remains of a Longobard cemetery, medieval...

Recipes for an Umbrian Summer

September 2018
There’s nothing simpler to make, and nothing tastier, than a fresh tomato sauce. Just about any Italian restaurant will serve you pasta al pomodoro; it’s often my choice on a hot summer day. You’ll always know a good restaurant by their tomato...

The Island of Ventotene: An Essential Checklist

August 2018
La meravigliosa isola di Ventotene, situata al largo della costa tra Lazio e Campania, è una lingua allungata di soli due chilometri di terra vulcanica, attraversata da una storia di 2.000 anni. Con le sue acque cristalline ed i ricchi fondali...

Strawberry Tiramisu

August 2018
Ingredients (for 8 people):1 ½ C. Fresh ricotta1 ½ C. Mascarpone6 – 8 Eggs1 qt. Very ripe strawberries or substitute with 6-8 very ripe peaches1 C. Sugar20 Lady fingers cookies (savoiardi) ½ pkg. Amaretti cookies½ qt. Orange or apricot or pear or...

The Singing Washerwomen of Tuscia

July 2018
Gathering together at the village wash area to scrub the family laundry was often a social highlight of the day for women of the small villages in Italy. Chattering animated the scrubbing, but so did song. In 2013, Simonetta Chiaretti, born in...

Pasta alle Melanzane: A Summertime Recipe

July 2018
This Sicilian eggplant pasta dish is a hit! Pasta alle Melanzane (for 4 – 6 people) Ingredients:4-6 Medium-sized eggplantsExtra virgin olive oil, q. b. (“quanto basta” or “as much as you need”)½ C. Sunflower seed oil (or other vegetable...

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