Anne Robichaud
Anne Robichaud, & Contributing Writer
Good Friday in Assisi: Ancient Traditions Live On
March 2019
Countless religious customs and innumerable processions in Italy are rooted in medieval street theater. The Holy Thursday and Good Friday traditions in Assisi are living examples. On Holy Thursday night in the 12th-century San Rufino cathedral, the...
Pasta al Cavolfiore
March 2019
Pine nuts and currants often star in Sicilian cuisine, so richly influenced by Middle Eastern culinary heritage. They enhance la pasta al cavolfiore (pasta with cauliflower) – a filling and tasty Sicilian winter dish perfect for this time of year....
Norcia: Prosciutto, Truffles and Earthquakes
February 2019
La città sabina di Norcia, Patria di San Benedetto e nota per la sua profonda spiritualità, si trova nella parte più montuosa ed incontaminata dell’Umbria, nell’area della Valnerina. Le testimonianze del suo glorioso passato romano e medievale sono...
St. Anthony's Fire and St. Anthony's Blessings
January 2019
St. Anthony Abbot, much venerated throughout Italy, is a hermit saint who died in the deserts of Egypt on January 17 in the fourth century (not to be confused with St. Anthony of Padua, a Franciscan saint of the 13th century). Legend has it that...
Il Torcolo di San Costanzo
January 2019
The Torcolo di San Costanzo is a rich raisin, pinon and citron-ladened sweet bread created in honor of San Costanzo, one of the patron saints of Perugia, Italy. Executed on January 29 during the reign of Marcus Aurelius, his memory is celebrated...
Here Comes La Madonna!
December 2018
No, Madonna is not arriving in Assisi but La Madonna is – or so the children believe. As darkness creeps in on December 7 just before the vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on the 8th, the men of the Comunita Montana (Forestry Service)...
Borlotti/Farro Soup
December 2018
As the wood stove chugs away the chilly days, the wood stove top is perfect for simmering soups like Borlotti/Farro soup. The speckled beans and the oldest wheat variety ever cultivated create a delicious meal.Borlotti/Farro Soup (4 – 6...
Chestnuts, New Wine and Rural Lore
November 2018
The Chapel dedicated to St. Martin and frescoed by Simone Martini in the 14th century is certainly one of the masterpieces in our Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi, Umbria. St. Martin of Tours, a 4th century saint, is depicted as he gives his...
Pears, Prosciutto, Parsley, and More: A Tasty Antipasto Recipe
November 2018
A delectable new cheese now tempts customers at our favorite local caseificio (“cheeese-maker” or a place where cheeses are made and sold) here in Assisi. It’s their own sheep’s milk Roquefort, the blue di pecorino. It’s the perfect cheese to...
Italy Unites for Assisi's Feast of St. Francis
October 2018
Il 4 ottobre si celebra la festa di San Francesco, il ‘poverello di Assisi’ e santo tra i più amati e venerati in tutto il mondo e che nel 1939 venne proclamato Patrono d’Italia da Papa Pio XII. Da allora ogni anno una regione diversa – che...