La Gazzetta Italiana
Vatican City
October 2016
Vatican City is a walled enclave within the city of Rome. As the smallest state in the world (it’s officially known as Vatican City State or the State of the Vatican), it is currently ruled by Pope Francis, the 266th Pope of the Roman...
Fr. Jim Ragnoni
October 2016
I was very fortunate to know Father Jim for some 40 years, but I got to know him especially well the last 20 years due to our affiliation with the Italian American Professional & Businessmen's Club (IAPBC). He was the Chaplain of our club. I...
October 2016 Events
October 2016
Mushrooms, chestnuts, chocolate, and truffles dominate the fall’s food, wine and harvest festivals and World Pasta Day is Oct. 23.
Alba (Cuneo/Piemonte). The White Truffle festival is one of the biggest festivals in Italy. A major event is...
Who Invented the Telephone?
October 2016
A chi attribuire la paternità del telefono? Ad Antonio Meucci nel 1872 o ad Alexander Graham Bell nel 1876? L’inventore italiano nacque a Firenze da una famiglia modesta e contro il volere del padre si iscrisse all’accademia...
Constantino Brumidi
October 2016
Constantino Brumidi the “Michelangelo of the Capitol” was dedicated to “making beautiful the Capitol of the one country where there is liberty.” He started with his classical and allegorical murals in a test-run in 1855...
The Italian Flag (Bandiera d'Italia)
October 2016
Most generally called in Italian, il Tricolore, the flag has been in its current form since the formation of the Republic on June 19, 1946 and formally adopted on New Years’ Day 1948. It is made up of three equal-sized vertical bands of...
Italian Navy and Coast Guard continue to rescue migrants
October 2016
Mass departures of migrants from North Africa is constant and the Italian Navy and Coast Guard continue to rescue migrants desperate to reach Italy. In a recent mission, 2,700 boat migrants were rescued off the coast of Libya and 15 bodies were...
Pope Francis hailed volunteers as "artisans of mercy"
October 2016
In the recent canonization ceremony of Mother Teresa, now Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Pope Francis hailed volunteers as “artisans of mercy” and denounced those who “turn the other way not to see the many forms of poverty that beg...
Aug. 24 earthquake made the Apennines grow
October 2016
Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology claimed the Aug. 24 earthquake made the Apennines grow. GPS stations measuring the soil movements explained the fault line that runs through the Apennines caused the extension. The...
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has pledged to get rid of Italy’s millions of slot machines
October 2016
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has pledged to get rid of Italy’s millions of slot machines. Despite an important source to government coffers, state and regions claim the social consequences cannot be ignored. The government reported as many as...