Diana Lucarino-Diekmann

Contributing writer

Luisa Spagnoli: A Love Story con Un Bacio

June 2022
Luisa Spagnoli left her mark in the fashion world, but little do people know that she was the woman who invented the “Baci Perugina,” the famous little chocolate with the whole hazelnut surrounded by gianduia and wrapped in a short love...

In the Cucina with La Gazzetta: Angel Wings (Farfallette)

April 2022
dalla cucina di Diana Lucarino-Diekmann These light, airy, crisp Carnavale sweets with powdered sugar have many names depending on the region where they are made. Other names for what we always called Angel Wings are Chiacchiere, scorpelle, bugie,...

Guardian Angels

April 2022
Angioletto del mio Dio è una bella filastrocca (nursery rhyme) per bambini che possiamo leggere e far imparare ai bambini, così che possano imparare una bella preghierina in rima che parla dell’angelo custode che, secondo la tradizione cattolica,...

IAMLA and "Woven Lives: Exploring Women's Needlework from the Italian Diaspora"

March 2022
Before the days of TV, internet and other distractions, many women spent time sewing and mending clothing, making lace, cross stitching, embroidering, crocheting, and doing various other needlework. I am lucky to have had a very creative family,...

Clelia’s Big Italian Feast

February 2022
In 2008, after raving about my mom’s cooking, “Il miglior ristorante é la Mamma,” as I would say, one of my clients flew her out to Los Angeles to do a weekend cooking class, all expenses paid. “Clelia’s Big Italian Feast,” was an interactive...

“Cortile Cascino” and “Children of Fate”

January 2022
Nel 1959, il regista Robert Young ha girato il film “Cortile Cascino”, ispirato dai libri e dalle foto che vide nei villaggi poveri vicino Palermo in Sicilia. Il film si concentra sulla povertà e le vite corrotte della gente. Nel film, il...

In the Cucina with La Gazzetta: The Christmas Eel

December 2021
dalla cucina di Diana Lucarino-Diekmann Truth be told, I hate eels! Eels are elongated fish, found in both ocean and freshwater environments that can deliver a nasty bite if you offer your hand. However, they are a fantastic source of omega-3...

Dolci and Levi: Italian Activists

November 2021
Italy is no stranger to political activism. Both historic figures and current activists have changed the political and social landscapes of the country. Here, we remember two important figures who influenced change in Italy. Danilo Dolci...

Rosabella del Molise: A Song of Love and Optimism

October 2021
When the fascist movement seized power in Italy in the 1920s and continued under the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini during WWII, Italian music and culture suffered. During these years, much of the music, art and culture were primarily of a...

The Healthy Italian: Excess and Wastefulness

June 2021
We live in a world of food waste. Every year more than 1.3 billion tons of edible food worth nearly $1 trillion is wasted. How much is that in practical terms? One third of all the food produced for humans. This, while more than 800 million people...

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