News from italy

New archaeological discoveries in Pompeii

September 2022 |
A trunk with its lid left open, a wooden dishware closet and a three-legged accent table topped by decorative bowls are among the latest discoveries by archaeologists that are enriching knowledge about middle-class lives in Pompeii before Mount...

A day in Venice? Pay the fee

August 2022 |
Venice is introducing a new system to discourage day-trippers in hopes of curbing problems with over-tourism in the popular hotspot. After years of discussing a possible “tourist tax,” the city of Venice has confirmed it will make day-trippers pay...

Finally, Italy no longer asks tourists for the greenpass

August 2022 |
As of June 1, Italy has abolished all prior COVID entry rules for international travelers. Like many other European nations, the country has been steadily opening up over the past few months, dropping the requirement for arrivals to complete an EU...

Heat and drought in Italy is an emergency

August 2022 |
Last month, Italy declared a state of emergency over a worsening drought that has plagued five northern regions in recent weeks, Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s office announced. The cabinet approved a state of emergency in Emilia-Romagna,...

Marmolada's Glacier collapse

August 2022 |
At press time, at least seven people have been killed after being caught in an avalanche sparked by the collapse of a glacier in the northern Italian Alps. Emergency officials said eight others were injured in the collapse, with two people...

The holiday season begins, seasonal workers are needed

July 2022 |
La stagione turistica italiana ha aperto quest’estate, secondo Fluvia Griffa, la presidentessa della federazione per il turismo, ma c’è una carenza di personale del 20%. La Griffa sostiene che la situazione è seria. Non soltanto l’Italia ha una...

With the mask on yet

July 2022 |
Le regole italiane sull'uso delle mascherine sono state allentate a maggio. Quando quest'articolo è stato scritto, le mascherine erano ancora obbligatorie sugli aeroplani, le navi, i traghetti, e tutti i diversi tipi di treni, come gli Intercity e...

A marble bust from a thrift store is a real relic from ancient Rome

July 2022 |
Quattro anni fa, una donna (Laura Young) in Texas ha comprato un busto di marmo in un negozio dell’usato per $34.99. Non sapendolo scoprì che questo busto era una reliquia della Roma antica e pesa più di 23 chilogrammi. Young sta vendendo le cose...

This Coffee is too expensive

July 2022 |
Un bar a Firenze ha ricevuto una multa di €1,000 inquanto un cliente arrabbiato ha chiamato la polizia per lamentarsi sul prezzo del caffè. Il bar Ditta Artigianale, sbagliando non aveva i prezzi esposti sul banco. Il cliente ha chiamato la polizia...
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