News from italy

Venice: New rules and limiting tour group sizes

July 2024 |
New rules banning loudspeakers and limiting tour group sizes to 25 people have come into force in Venice. The measures have been introduced to limit the impact of over-tourism on the Italian city, officials say. The canals of Venice's historic...

The religious life at the heart of Ancient Rome

July 2024 |
A trove of perfectly preserved ceramics, burnt animal bones and a wooden chalice were pulled up from a well in Ostia Antica, shedding new light on religious life at the heart of Ancient Rome. Discarded peach stones, oil lamps and marble fragments...

Tourists in Italy

July 2024 |
Tourism in Italy hit a record high last year and foreigners made up the majority for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, national statistic bureau ISTAT said last month. Registered arrivals in accommodation such as SUBSCRIBE NOW! online +...

The landscape behind Mona Lisa are shores of Lake Como in Lombardy

June 2024 |
Lo sfondo del famoso dipinto di Leonardo da Vinci, La Gioconda, è sempre un dibattito senza fine. Alcuni storici dell'arte suggeriscono che lo sfondo fosse immaginario. Altri storici pensano che la vista provenga da una specifica località italiana....

Italy will be able to recover a 2,000-year-old Greek statue from the Getty Museum in California

June 2024 |
Un tribunale europeo ha dichiarato che l’Italia ha un diritto su una statua greca di 2.000 anni. La statua attualmente risiede al Getty Museum in California. La statua, conosciuta come La Gioventù Vittoriosa, o L'Atleta di Fano, o ancora Getty...

A new papyrus scroll found under Vesuvius volcanic ash

June 2024 |
Un rotolo di papiro sepolto sotto le ceneri dell'eruzione del Vesuvio può aiutare gli storici a comprendere le ultime ore della vita di Platone. Gli archeologi hanno deprecato il rotolo e hanno potuto leggere ciò che era scritto. Platone fu una...

The Mayor of Alicudi ask you to “adopt a goat”

May 2024 |
The mayor of a remote Italian island overrun by wild goats has offered to give the animals away to anyone willing to take one in. Riccardo Gullo came up with the idea after a recent census estimated the number of goats on the three-square mile...

After 450 years, eight Piero della Francesca's panels have been reassembled

May 2024 |
Eight surviving panels of Piero della Francesca’s Augustinian altarpiece have been reassembled after 450 years, possibly solving one of its enduring mysteries. The celebrated polyptych was created by the early Italian Renaissance master...

Supercar Italian Designer Marcello Gandini passed away

May 2024 |
Marcello Gandini, the Italian designer, died at age 85 on March 13. Gandini was known for creating supercars for the super-rich, and such exotic machines as Lamborghini’s Miura and Countach, Alfa Romeo’s Montreal and Maserati’s Khamsin were...
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