History & culture

Letters from Veneto: June

July 2023 |
Suddenly everything is gathering pace for the summer season. Posters are appearing on trees telling us about the latest festivals and outdoor events, and it is often hard to choose what to do on weekends. I love the Pea Festival in the village of...

Everyone in Italy Has a Cousin in Ohio

July 2023 |
La scrittrice descrive le esperienze dove ha incontrato qualcuno in Abruzzo che hanno parenti in Ohio. Annette Januzzi Wick dice che quattro volte è stata in diverse località della regione e ha incontrato persone con un legame con lo stato...

Preserving Italy’s Natural Beauty

July 2023 |
There’s no doubt Italy is a beautiful country and an extremely popular tourist destination. From its mountainous northern border to the seaside cliffs of Sicily’s southern shore, the architecture – both manmade and natural – is breathtaking....

NIAF Elects New Members to Its Board of Directors

June 2023 |
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is pleased to announce the newest members to serve on its Board of Directors, all of whom were unanimously elected during the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Board of Directors Meetings. The NIAF Board of...

Adriana Trigiani at the IAMLA

June 2023 |
La scrittrice descrive la sua esperienza di volontariato all'Italian-American Museum di Los Angeles. L'evento è stato una conversazione con la famosa autrice italo-americana Adriana Trigiani. Trigiani ha scritto più di 20 libri (narrativi e...

State Historical Marker Honors Italian Immigrant Sculptors

June 2023 |
L'articolo parla della scultura “Scultori Dei Guardiani” a Cleveland, costruita da immigrati italiani. La città di Cleveland ha recentemente dedicato una targa scritta nei mattoni con il nome della scultura nella lingua italiana ed in inglese. C'è...

Passing the Torch

June 2023 |
In this column La Gazzetta will introduce notable members of our local Italian American community. We will hear from men and women whose ancestors’ contributions have resulted in today’s outstanding, productive citizens. Paul Ricciuti became an...

Letters from Veneto: May Celebrations

June 2023 |
May has already been a very busy month here in Italy.  We got off to a lucky start when the forecasted rain for the Canale Fiorito Festival on May 1 didn’t materialize, and the whole thing went wonderfully until the rain finally arrived at 6...

Great Italians: Giuseppe Garibaldi

June 2023 |
In the book “How to Be a Stoic”, Massimo Pigliucci discusses the highly inflated use of the word hero. Although many apply the term simply to someone they admire, the word hero means much more than that. As Joseph Campbell said, “a hero is someone...
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