History & culture

Letters from the Veneto

March 2023 |
In winter in the Veneto, the skies are often blue even though the air, coming down from the Dolomites, is glacial. We typically find indoor places to visit, preferably with log fires and a bit of wine tasting thrown in for good measure, and that’s...

Book Review: The Neapolitan Quartet

March 2023 |
“The Neapolitan Quartet” is a set of novels to which many Americans have been introduced through the HBO series, “My Brilliant Friend”. While the television series does an excellent job of capturing the essence of the books and is well worth the...

Great Italians: Dante, Poet of Love and War

March 2023 |
L'articolo descrive la meravigliosa vita di Dante Alighieri. Nelle sue opere Dante aveva dato il senso ad un amore puro, semplice e gentile. Ad esempio, nella sua opera La Vita Nuova, Dante descrisse un amore divino per Beatrice, la ragazza che...

Passing the Torch

February 2023 |
In this column La Gazzetta will profile notable members of our local Italian American community. We will get to hear from men and women whose ancestors’ contributions resulted in today’s outstanding, productive citizens.  Roslyn Torella is an...

Letters from the Veneto

February 2023 |
It has been 15 years since I bought my small apartment in the Veneto, and even longer since my love affair with Italy began. As a typical English family, we had always taken our summer holidays in France. We enjoyed speaking the language after...

The Lure of Lecco

February 2023 |
L'articolo spiega la vita di Antonio Stoppani che scrisse nel 1876 "Il Bel Paese: conversazioni sulle bellezze naturali, geologia e geografia fisica dell'Italia". Fu prete a Monza ma dopo pochi anni divenne professore di geologia al Politecnico di...

An Excerpt from "La Cucina di Clelia” Chestnuts...Roasting on an Open Fire...or in the Oven

February 2023 |
Lo scrittore descrive la tradizione di mangiare le caldarroste a Natale. Sebbene la famosa canzone di Natale inizi con le castagne che arrostiscono su un fuoco aperto, la scrittrice racconta che a casa sua le castagne vengono arrostite sopra la...

The Nobility of Abruzzo: Margherita of Austria

February 2023 |
Margaret of Austria is a woman with a strong and tenacious personality. She can be placed on the list of influential women of modern history. She comes from two Italian well-known families, united in marriage with Alexander of Medici and Octavius...

NIAF Now Accepting Applications for Scholarships

January 2023 |
Thanks to the generosity of the Italian American community, the National Italian American Foundation has awarded over $10,000,000 in scholarships since its founding. NIAF administers nearly 200 scholarships annually, ranging in value from $2,500 to...
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