La Gazzetta Italiana


November 2016
Ingredients12 oz. Fig Vodka6 oz. Chilled brewed Earl Grey tea9 oz. Fresh tangerine juiceIce6 Fresh fig wedges DirectionsIn a pitcher, combine all of the ingredients except the ice and fig wedges and refrigerate until chilled, at least 1 hour. Stir...

Must-See Art in the Vatican

November 2016
Non è un segreto che i Musei Vaticani ospitano la più ampia raccolta di arte di tutto il mondo ed il cui valore è stimato in oltre 15 miliardi di euro. Sette chilometri di sale e corridoi che proteggono capolavori raccolti dai...

Adriana Caso and Her Art

November 2016
My grandfather came to America from Sicily through Ellis Island in 1925 with his brother and cousin. Later, my grandmother also joined him. He was a metal worker and worked on the railroad. My father was a first generation Italian American...

His Zucchini is Bigger Than a Baseball Bat!

November 2016
Harvest time is virtually over for everyone but retired butcher Armand DiGeronimo of Novelty, OH; his summertime Sicilian zucchini will be the talk of the town into winter because of their colossal size. The seeds donated from a St. Anselm Catholic...

Dominic’s Dream: A "Grand Slam" of Success

November 2016
Ogni anno UH Rainbow Babies & Children Hospital si prende cura di circa 800 pazienti affetti da rare malattie del sangue tra cui emofilia, anemia aplastica, talassemia e disordini piastrinici. Una diagnosi precoce, unita ad un tempestivo e...


November 2016
“One is born a man, but later becomes a brigand, until the last of our days we have to shoot, and if we die, bring a flower for us, in the name of the freedom for which we fought.” Brigandage refers to the life and practice of...

Maurizio Cattelan

November 2016
Maurizio Cattelan è uno dei più importanti artisti italiani in attività ed il più quotato al momento sul mercato. Da sempre irriverente nei confronti delle istituzioni e dell’establishment culturale, le sue opere...

da Vinci Principles

November 2016
Leonardo da Vinci is widely held to be the world’s greatest genius. He pursued so many interests and projects that he is also widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals to ever have lived. Michael Gelb, author of...

Geraldine Anne Ferraro

November 2016
Geraldine Anne Ferraro was a public school teacher, attorney, congresswoman, Democrat, and the first female vice presidential candidate representing a major American political party. She was born in New York state in 1935 to an Italian American...

Sicily and Trinacria

November 2016
Sicily (Sicilia) is the biggest island in the Mediterranean, separated from the mainland by the strait of Messina. Sicily was known by the Romans as Trinacrium, meaning “star with three points.” The word Trinacria means triangle and...