Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee Announces 2017 Italian Heritage Month Honorees

For the last 12 years, the Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee, whose Honorary Co-Chairs are Mayor Frank Jackson and Councilman Matt Zone, has organized a ceremony to celebrate Italian Heritage Month at Cleveland City Hall. Part of the ceremony includes honoring outstanding individuals and organizations within the Italian American community.

This year’s Opening Ceremony for Italian Heritage Month will take place on Monday, October 2, starting at 6 p.m. All are welcome to attend this FREE event.

The committee has selected and is proud to announce the following honorees for 2017.

Robert and Aldo Campellone - Business
Julius Ciaccia, Jr. - Public Servant
Lorraine Dodero - Cultural Arts
Billy Donato - Performing Arts
Paul Sciria (posthumously) - Special Lifetime Achievement

Check the October issue of La Gazzetta Italiana for the biographies and photographs of these amazing honorees.