History & culture

A Marble Statuette from Renaissance Florence

March 2019 |
The Italian Renaissance had its birth in Florence, a prosperous medieval banking and mercantile center. Well-known are the names of the artists who flourished there: Giotto, Donatello, Botticelli, Leonardo, and Michelangelo, the stars of today’s...

Nuns on the Run

March 2019 |
The Vatican has its eye on the Olympic games. In January of this year, the city-state launched a national track and field team. The athletic team is made up of about 60 members including nuns, priests, Swiss Guards, museum workers, carpenters, and...

Good Friday in Assisi: Ancient Traditions Live On

March 2019 |
Countless religious customs and innumerable processions in Italy are rooted in medieval street theater. The Holy Thursday and Good Friday traditions in Assisi are living examples. On Holy Thursday night in the 12th-century San Rufino cathedral, the...

OVID: Loves, Myths and Other Stories

February 2019 |
Bimillennial of Ovid celebrated at Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome. Nel bimillenario della morte del sommo poeta latino Publio Ovidio Nasone, le Scuderie del Quirinale hanno dedicato al poeta-maestro delle trasfigurazioni la bellissima mostra...

A Painted Crucifix from Pisa

February 2019 |
The cross is one of the oldest and most universal of all symbols. It is the central image in Christian art, the unique symbol of Christ himself because of his Crucifixion. In a broader sense, the cross has become the mark or sign of the Christian...

The Columbus Letters

February 2019 |
Durante il viaggio di ritorno in Spagna, navigando tra gennaio e febbraio di 526 anni fa, Cristoforo Colombo compose tre lettere che descrivevano la sua prima esplorazione verso l’ovest, le popolazioni che incontrò e la bellezza travolgente di...

La festa di San Felice

February 2019 |
Civitanova del Sannio is a sleepy little town of about 900 people, compared to about 2,000 when my mom and dad lived there in the 30’s and 40’s. It is located in a central valley in southern Italy. In the years following WWII, the population...

America: Land of Liberty? Prejudice against Italians in the early 20th Century

January 2019 |
Gli immigrati italiani e la loro cultura hanno affrontato molte forme di discriminazione negli Stati Uniti all’inizio del XX secolo. Questa ostilità si è manifestata contro tutti gli italiani, ma soprattutto nei confronti dei meridionali originari...

A Madonna and Child from Siena

January 2019 |
La Madonna col Bambino del Cleveland Museum of Art è un esempio particolarmente bello di questo soggetto, sebbene sfortunatamente non sia noto per quale chiesa o cappella di Siena fu dipinto quasi 700 anni fa o da chi fu commissionato. Lo stile ne...
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