La Gazzetta Italiana

Emini's Disease Warfare

February 2012
Native New Yorker Emilio Emini, 57, is a leader in vaccine research at the world's largest drug company, Pfizer. Born in a working-class family on Sullivan Street in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, his intrigue with vaccines started at a young age...

San Diego, California

November 2011
All'inizio del 1900 tanti emigrant entrati in America attraverso Ellis Island decisero di continuare verso la California sistemandosi prima a San Francisco e dopo il terremoto del 1906 rilocandosi a San Diego. Trovarono che essedo situata davanti...

Little Italy's Own Piece of Sicily

November 2011
Being Italian means lots of things to many people, but to Peppe Pilumeli of Little Italy's Etna it is a way of life and what he showcases in every meal he makes. Peppe came to the United States in 1995 after his sister Tina, who is a doctor at the...

Northeast Ohio's Special Destination

November 2011
Sembra quasi di essere in Italia ma invece è nella zona di Canton Ohio che si trova il Gervasi Vineyard, una fattoria costruita nel 1823 su 55 acre di terreno dove oggi coltivano vigneti che ogni anno producono un ottimo vino. Oltre ad...

Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari

October 2011
The amazingly talented and humble international superstar returns to Cleveland, on Sunday, October 23rd to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum for a special performance at 7:00 PM! The title of this article may seem to contradict itself....

La Gazzetta September September Wine Issue

September 2011
This month La Gazzetta focuses on the world of winemaking and your most valued Italian vini. How do you enjoy your favorite wines in the United States? Do you import from the homeland or travel to the acres of vineyards in...

These 'Three Tenors' - Barone, Boschetto & Ginoble!

August 2011
Il Volo e' un trio di giovanissimi tenori che si prepara alla notorieta' ed al successo internazionale. Il loro nome si rifa' ad una delle piu' celebri canzoni di Domenico Mudugno "volare". Seppur adolescenti Il Volo si sono gia' esibiti in eventi...

Wines of Summer

July 2011
Con l'estate che fiorisce fioriscono anche i nostri giardini, la natura si risveglia e con lei anche i sapori. Quali sono i ‘vini per l'estate'? Quali sono i migliori abbinamenti e, quail sono i vini piu' consigliati? La parola al...

LaGazzetta on Facebook

July 2011
Looking for ways to connect with the Italian-American community this summer? It's now festival season and we would like to share with you some of the events that are happening around your community. Social media and the events page on Facebook is...

Italian Consulate in Detroit and the Italian Cultural Garden Foundation commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy

June 2011
June 2, 2011 marks the 65th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy. On that day, millions of Italians, in the motherland and abroad, will pause to solemnly commemorate a day which, perhaps distant in time, is still fervently held in the hearts and...