
The Healthy Italian

November 2019 |
Il rito della passeggiata è un costume italiano, un fenomeno della vita sociale che ancora oggi – nonostante i ritmi frenetici, il traffico assillante e mancanza di tempo libero – ci contraddistingue. In ogni grande o piccola città, la gente ama...

It Takes Two to Tango

October 2019 |
Il tango è oggi un ballo popolare associato ad incanto ed eleganza, sebbene ai suoi inizi fosse molto differente. Cominciò a diffondersi a Buenos Aires - la città dove “far fortuna” intorno al 1820, come tipo di percussione usata dagli...

The Healthy Italian

October 2019 |
Combining the words “healthy” and “Italian” in the same phrase may seem like an oxymoron, but I am going to attempt to change that misconception. I am a prime example of a healthy Italian, better yet, a healthy older Italian. Yes, it is possible to...

The Healthy Italian

September 2019 |
Combining the words “healthy” and “Italian” in the same phrase may seem like an oxymoron, but I am going to attempt to change that misconception. I am a prime example of a healthy Italian, better yet, a healthy older Italian. Yes, it is possible to...

Italy Earns Top Rank in Water Quality

August 2019 |
Italy’s water quality remains one of the best in the world, according to a recent report by Yale University. The report, titled the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), ranks 186 countries in the world on various environmental issues and...

The Healthy Italian

August 2019 |
Combining the words “healthy” and “Italian” in the same phrase may seem like an oxymoron, but I am going to attempt to change that misconception. I am a prime example of a healthy Italian, better yet, a healthy older Italian. Yes, it is possible to...

The Healthy Italian

July 2019 |
Gli esercizi di respirazione possono essere utili per rilassarsi e aiutare a ridurre l'ansia, lo stress, i problemi del sonno e finanche i casi di disturbi d'ansia. Tutto ciò che serve è un paio di polmoni relativamente sani, la respirazione e...

#BoycottGucci: Fashion’s Latest Trend

June 2019 |
La casa di moda Gucci si è dovuta scusare tramite un comunicato stampa ed ha  ritirato dal mercato il suo “maglione-passamontagna” nero in vendita a 890 dollari criticato sui social perché ricorda le immagini blackface, la pratica di colorarsi...

From Slavery to the Fashion Industry

February 2018 |
With immigration being one of, if not the, biggest topic of discussion amongst Italian policy makers, those reading the papers are bombarded with all the negativity regarding foreigners entering Italy. But, not all migrant stories have a...
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