
Calabria's Jews and Catholics Share Chanukah Together

December 2016 |
Chanukkah è una festività ebraica nota anche come Festa delle Luci.  In ebraico, il termine significa "inaugurazione" o "dedica" giacché la celebrazione commemora la consacrazione di un nuovo altare nel Tempio di...

The Italian Jewish Wedding

September 2016 |
Beautiful Traditions in Beautiful Settings Lungo tutto il proprio territorio, l'Italia offre luoghi magnifici per ospitare cerimonie di nozze suggestive. Dal momento che è tradizione che i matrimoni ebraici si svolgano all'aperto, i...

Planning Your “Big Day” - In Beautiful Italy

September 2016 |
Any bride or groom who’s ever planned a wedding, can attest to the vast amounts of stress one can feel when making even the smallest decisions for their biggest day. And planning a wedding from 5,000 miles away? Sounds impossible. But, alas,...

Wedding Florals

September 2016 |
“Roses are by far the tried and true number one wedding flower,” claims Frank DeNegris of Mayfield Floral in Mayfield Heights. Twenty-six years in the industry, DeNegris labels roses the “Hall-of-Famer in the world of weddings,...

“I Promessi Sposi”

September 2016 |
“The Betrothed” (I Promessi Sposi) by Alessandro Manzoni is considered one of the masterpieces of world literature and certainly the most famous novel in Italian literature.  First published in 1827 (and in English in 1828), this...

Scandal - Wedding - Divorce

September 2016 |
L’indimenticabile storia d’amore tra l’attrice svedese Ingrid Bergman ed il regista italiano Roberto Rossellini ha rappresentato anche uno dei grandi scandali di Hollywood.  Nel marzo del 1949 durante le riprese di Stromboli...

I Grandi Matrimoni, Southern Italian Style

September 2016 |
When my Italian friends saw “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” they shrugged and said, “Yeah, what’s the big deal?” The movie wasn’t an exaggeration of their matrimonial experiences here in Southern Italy. If anything,...

Assisi's Glorious Day

October 2015 |
St. Francis' feast day, Oct. 4, is a big day in Assisi and a big day in Italy. In 2005, the Italian Parliament declared this day to be a celebration of peace, brotherhood and dialogue among all peoples of all religions. Each year, one of the 20...

Innovation and Tradition

July 2015 |
"There are three capitals in Europe: Paris, London and Naples." Written by Stendhal in 1817, this gives the ancient and beautiful city of Naples what it actually deserves. To discredit the stereotypes of decadence and corruption, we have to...
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