A different way to see Tuscany

Antonio Martini, an entrepreneur and head of the AM Turistic company, is offering visitors to Tuscany a different way to see the country. Martini and his staff are organizing trips that allow tourists to appreciate the territory from an aerial view. The company offers short hot air balloon flights around the stunning coastline of Maremma, in southern Tuscany. For the balloon rides, AM Turistic has collaborated with Florentine business Firenze Mongolfiere and now offers flights above the Tuscan countryside. "It's really beautiful, we're flying over this area, we're very high and there's an incredible silence therefore it's very exciting and thrilling," says Linda Bargelli, while experiencing her first flight. After ascending to nearly 3,000 feet, returning passengers are greeted by staff with a bottle of Prosecco and various cuts of local prosciutto, a traditional toast for every successful journey. AM Turistic is one of many Italian companies that offers this unforgettable experience.


Antonio Martini, imprenditore e capo di AM Turistic, sta offrendo un modo nuovo per vedere la Toscana. Martini organizza dei viaggi in mongolfiera per i turisti. Le mongolfiere sorvolano la costa di Maremma e la campagna toscana. AM Turistic ha collaborato con Firenze Mongolfiere per realizzare questi voli. Linda Bargelli, una turista, ha affermato che la vista aerea le ha offerto un’esperienza indimenticabile. Le mongolfiere raggiungono più di 900 metri di altitudine. Quando il viaggio è finito, i passeggeri ricevono una bottiglia di Prosecco, panini con prosciutto, e fanno un brindisi con lo staff. AM Turistic è una delle tante agenzie che offrono i voli in mongolfiera.