A 92-year-old woman and her daughter have been reunited in Italy after 70 years

A 92-year-old woman and her daughter who were separated at the end of WWII have been reunited in Italy after 70 years. The emotional reunion was made possible by Germany-based International Tracing Services (ITS), which specializes in reuniting people separated by conflict, and the Italian Red Cross, which has an international mandate to assist in such searches. In 1944, the Emilia-Romagna woman fell pregnant to a married German soldier while she was working in Germany. As soon as the child was born, she was taken from the mother and raised by the father and his wife, along with their own sons and daughters. The mother was led to believe the baby had died shortly after being born and returned to her hometown of Novellara after the war ended. The child’s father told her that her mother was Italian but had died during the war. Two years ago, after the death of her father, Margot Bachmann, now 71, went to the ITS to learn more about her biological mother. The ITS reunited the two.

Una donna di 92 anni e sua figlia, separate alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, sono state riunite in Italia dopo 70 anni. Il commovente ricongiungimento è stato reso possibile dall’International Tracing Services (ITS) con sede in Germania (specializzato nel riavvicinare individui separati dalla guerra) e dalla Croce Rossa Italiana, che ha un mandato internazionale per prestare assistenza in tali ricerche. Nel 1944, mentre lavorava in Germania, la donna emiliana rimase incinta di un soldato tedesco coniugato. Non appena la bambina nacque, fu separata dalla madre e cresciuta dal padre e da sua moglie, insieme ai propri figli e figlie. Alla madre, che alla fine della guerra tornò nella propria città natale di Novellara, fu all’epoca fatto credere che la figlia fosse deceduta poco dopo essere venuta alla luce. Il padre, dal canto suo, disse alla bambina che la madre era italiana e uccisa durante gli scontri. Due anni fa, dopo la morte del padre, Margot Bachmann, ora 71enne, andò all’ITS per saperne di più sulla madre biologica. L’ITS ha riunito madre e figlia.