Joanna Lucarino

Contributing writer

In the Cucina with La Gazzetta: Pomodori con Riso

July 2024
In this column we share the cuisine and recipes of Italy and our Italian American communities. Each month we feature recipes curated from our research and those shared by LGI readers.Food and cooking are important aspects of our cultural identity...

In the Cucina with La Gazzetta: Cannoli Siciliani

June 2024
In this column we share the cuisine and recipes of Italy and our Italian American communities. Each month we feature recipes curated from our research and those shared by LGI readers.Food and cooking are important aspects of our cultural identity...

La Cultura del Caffe (Coffee Culture)

June 2024
Italian coffee culture is one of quality, tradition, and passion. Since coffee beans were first imported into Italy through Venice in the 16th century, the love of coffee began. Italy remains one of the largest importers of beans through its two...

La Cultura del Caffe (Coffee Culture)

May 2024
Joe, Java, Brew…these are just a few of the names we give to that wonderful cup of coffee. Coffee lovers may be referred to as coffee aficionados, coffee connoisseurs, even coffee snobs! It is a fact that coffee is one of the most popular...

In the Cucina with La Gazzetta: La Cicerchiata (Struffoli)

December 2023
dalla cucina di Joanna Lucarino My memories of the holidays center around family and food. We all have our favorite traditional treats with mine being honey-coated little balls of deep-fried pastry which we call la cicerchiata.My family serves...

Hell on Earth: The Sulfur Mines of Sicily

November 2023
After viewing the documentary film, “La Porta dell'Inferno” (“The Door to Hell”) by Michael Cavalieri, I felt compelled to delve deeper into the history of the Sicilian sulfur mines and the zolfo (sulfur) workers from the end of the 1700s until...

In the Cucina with La Gazzetta: Cacio e Pepe

October 2023
In this column we share the cuisine and recipes of Italy and our Italian American communities. Each month we feature recipes curated from our research and those shared by LGI readers.Food and cooking are important aspects of our cultural identity...

La Banda Suona Per Noi

August 2023
Questo articolo descrive l'importanza della musica non solo per una persona ma anche per le comunità. Lo scrittore Giovanni Lucarino parla in particolare della canzone La banda, scritta da Antonio Amurri. Descrive la canzone come un'ode alla...

The Bombardment of Monte Cassino: February 14-16, 1944

June 2023
This month I am continuing in the vein of “Art in Wartime” from last month’s La Gazzetta Italiana article with the addition of historical facts of the Italian Campaign in WWII as it pertains to the bombardment of the Benedictine Abbey and the town...

Art During Wartime

May 2023
Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, molte opere d'arte, soprattutto del Rinascimento, furono nascoste per evitare di essere distrutte dai militari tedeschi e/o italiani. Nel villaggio di Montegufoni, vi era una villa disabitata in quanto...

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